Chapter 42 x

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Allison's POV

Okay so i think there is something up between the lads and the girls. I feel a bit loner, i don't know why. I haven't done anything bad have i? Today was another school day. Awful. Yea mine and Lily suspension was over. I just want this whole school year to end. I did my normal morning routine and drove to school with Lily. I had to look at that horrible face of Asley all day long, since we were put together as chemistry buddies. Yeah. -,-

She was so stupid, and she didn't do anything the whole time she was in here. I mean, c'mon i know you don't like me but help me. "I think you should help me." I said in a bitchy way. She looked at me. " Well, i think not." She was doing her nails. I raised my hand. "Sir can i have another partner, this one is.. a lazy ass bitch." I whispered the last part so the teacher didn't hear me. "No Miss Fields. There is no other partner available. You have to do it with Miss Wiliams."  "UGGHHHH." I grunted and lied my head on the table. Miss Wiliams, just continued what she was doing all day long. I wanted to pull her hair out of her head, but yea. My thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. FINALLY. I grabbed my bag and wanted to get the hell out of there, but Ashley grabbed my arms. "Why are you touching my arm?" I looked at her. "How is everything going with Zayn? Are you guys still together?" She smiled evily and then pushed me away. "IT'S GREAT." I yelled after her but she didn't turn around. Instead of that other people were staring at me and at some wall. There was a whole crowd. Dafuq? I walked over to the wall where people were standing, thats when i saw it. A picture of Zayn an Ashley kissing each other. My eyes started to tear up. "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?!" I yelled and people turned away. Why am i asking this stupid question? I'm sure Ashley did it. Everyone was gone now and Lily walked up to me. "Wha-" Her eyes went huge. "Okay, i'm gonna slice that bitch throat." She yelled and walked away to find Ashley but i grabbed her arm. "Lily, look at this picture. This looks like a new photo." I said looking at the picture. Ashley had send me another photo 3 months ago but this one was different. Me and Lily drove home. I wanted to talk to Zayn and ask him about the picture. I went to his house but nobody was there so i just went home. I opened the door and my heart stopped. ALL THE WALLS WERE COVERED UP WITH THESE DIGUSTING PICTURES. I looked around to fin Toby buut he wasn't there. Why is nobody home? I wanted to walk outside but Ashley stood there in the doorway. She had something in her hand but i couldn't tell what it was. I looked at her. Damn she was scary. Like she was going to kill me. Dafuq is wrong with that bitch? I wanted to push her away but she stabbed me with something. In my arm. It was bleeding a little, but it didn't really hurt. "Wtf is wrong with you?" I yelled and she closed the door. She walked up to me. "You stole my boyfriend, and now you're gonna pay for it." She said and grabbed my hair. She pulled me upstairs, holding my hair. OMFG that did hurt A LOT. "Ashley let go of me!" We were now upstairs and she stopped. She sat down with one knee on my chest. I couldn't breath. She grabbed my throat. She put something in my mouth which made me really dizzy and then everything went black. 

Ashley's POV.
 I locked her up in the closet. Just for fun. I was going to releave her in a couple of hours. She has to pay for the fact that she stole my boyfriend. Well not really my boyfriend, but Zayn. Yea i was in love wih him. I couldn't help my self. I decided to make myself some food. Since Toby was gone with Hannah. They were camping or something. They left a note but i didn't tell Alli about it. So i made myself some pancakes and started eating. Why am i still here? I think i'm gonna go home now. I'll come back in like 2 hours to let the bitch out. So i walked out. I've been in that house to long. I went outside and suddenly there was a huge explosion in the house. I turned around, shocked as hell. Wtf just happened.


I woke up in a closet. What am i doing here?Then the memories came back. Ashley. I stood up and tried to open the closet but it didn't open. She locked me in. And there was a weird smell around here. I really don't know what it was.  After a couple of minutes trying to open the damn door there was a very loud bang downstairs and my ears started to squeak and hurt. WTF did Ashley do? I could smell the smell of fire. There was an explosion downstairs, and i was trapped in a closet. What the actual fuck just happened? I panicked and couldn't breath. There was already smoke inside this closet. My head started to hurt and i got a little dizzy. Suddenly the door flew open. There flew a wave of heat over me, which made my breathing even worse. I looked up and saw Ashley standing in the doorway. There was dirt all over her face and she couldn't stop coughing. I didn't realize she grabbed my arm and pulled me up. I was in shock and i couldn't hear or see anything cause of the smoke. She pulled me with her to another room where no fire was. There was a window in there. I realized it was Toby's room. I collapsed to the ground and so did Ashley. I looked at her, wondering if she did this. But i could see the pain in her eyes. She didn't do this. It was an accident. "Ashley.. What the fuck happened?" I asked. With ever word i said my throat hurt like hell. "I don't know.. Believe me Alli.. I didn't do this." She looked at me and she cried. I crawled over to her and grabbed both of her arms. " I believe you Ashley. But we have to get out of here." My eyes hurt and my throat was dry. I needed water. And we needed to get out of here. I looked at Ashley and she fainted. WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE QUICK. But i didn't want to open the window. That would be very dangerous. But i had no choise. I pulled Ashley up and hit her face. "Ashley! Ashley come one you have to wake up!" I yelled and she woke up. She immediatley started coughing. She looked at me in fear. I pulled her up and she put her arm around my shoulder. I grabbed  lampt form Toby's desk and hit the window with it, twice. It broke. I didn't see shit but i felt the cold breeze on my skin knowing that the window was open. "Ashley.. You have to listen to me ok?" I yelled in her face. My ears still didn't work normal. She looked at me. She looked very tired, and ready to die in my arms any second. My knee were getting weaker and weaker. "Okay Ashley, you have to climb out of the window. There is a little bush under the window. It will break your fall. After that i'll follow okay?" I looked at her and she nodded. She climbed out of the window but tunred around. "I'm sorry for everything Alli." I started crying knowing that i could die right here right now. My skin hurt, my back was burning. The fire was now in this room to so i had to hurry. I looked down and Ashley was there. She lied on the ground. I climbed in the window. Even though i hate hights i had to jumped down. So i did. I landed on the little bush and it scratched my face. But i didn't care. I climbed out of the little bush and walked over to Ashley who was still lying on the ground. I picked her up and we both walked to the front.

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