Chapter 29 x

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2 Days later

Noella's POV
I'm glad I made it up with Alli. She is actually really nice. I feel really sorry for her about what happened between her and Zayn. We talked a lot at Starbucks 2 days ago. She also came up with the idea to go shopping, with Me Eleanor Lily Danielle and her. I thought it was a great idea. We all met up at H&M. We spent like 3 hours shopping and I bought a lot. I hope my boyfriend doesn't mind. I used his creditcard. Haha. Harry text me. It said:
- Hi babe. What are you doin? Xx
- Shopping with the ladies. Hbu? I'll be back soon xxx

I had a great time with the ladies. Eleanor came up with the idea to go clubbing tonight. Yeah she is addicted to partying. " Yeah that would be a great idea. I haven't done that in ages!" Allison said. We all looked at her. " Wha.." Can't I have fun? Just because someone fucked off on me? Not gonna happen.." We burst out of laughter. Harry had left me 6 messages. They all said:
- Hi babe, have you seen my creditcard?
- I miss you xx
I just replied:
- Nope haven't seen your creditcard and I'll be back soon babe I promisexx

After that we all went home. I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a light pink dress and nice white heels. I finished the look with a bracelet and a necklace I bought. I curled my hair. We all decided to meet up at Harry's house, except for Alli of course. I knocked on the door. Harry opened it. " Babe where have- WOAH YOU. LOOK. TERRIBLY. BEAUTIFUL!" His jaw was on the ground. I kissed his cheek. " I'm going out tonight." I smiled. " I can see.." He checked me out. That made me blush. " Oh and don't kill me please.." He looked confused. " I used your cc.." I whispered in his ear and walked upstairs toward the bathroom. " What's a cc?" He followed me. " Your creditcard." I said and locked myself in the bathroom. " Are you kidding me?! Open the door!" He yelled. I burst. Out of laughter. " No I can't." " Open the door or else.." " What else Hazzie?" " I'll... I'll rip your clothes of and bring it back to the shop." He said after 10 minutes thinking of a sentence. I laughed. I'm gonna stay here till you're gone Haz." I laughed. " NOELLA YOU WANNA COME OR WHAT?!" Eleanor yelled. Shit. Now I have to get out. I didn't hear Harry anymore so I walked out carefully. I was almost out of the room when I suddenly felt two strong arms around me. I laughed. " Have fun babe." Harry said and kissed my neck. " Thanks for the clothes." I said and walked away. He smacked my bum. We both burt out of laughter. Then we left. We first picked up Alli and after that we went to the club. Eleanor and Alli were the first ones to be drunk. I was getting there too. Some guy came up to me, he tried to kiss me but I pushed him off. " I want ya." He said. Yes he was wasted. " Get off of me you perv." I pushed him to the ground. Security took him inside. The rest of the evening was amazing. We danced our asses off. I had so much fun. Till the lads were standing in front of us. I looked over to Zayn. Why did they have to bring this douchebag?. I looked over at Alli. She didn't noticed he was there yet.

Allison's POV

We all decided to go shopping. Me, Lily, Danielle Eleanor and Noella. I had so much fun. " Shall we go clubbing tonight?" Eleanor said. " Yeah that would be a great idea. I haven't done that in ages!" I said. They all looked at me. " Wha.." Can't I have fun? Just because someone fucked off on me? Not gonna happen.." We all burst out of laughter. We all went home to get changed. I had to wait for them to come pick me up, cause I didn't want to go the lads house. I took a shower and dressed myself. I wore a white dress with black in it. I let my hair down. It was naturally wavy so I didn't do anything about it. I wore black heels with glitters over it. A little make up and bracelets. I was done for tonight. They picked me up, finally. " Girls you all look beautiful!." I said while looking at them.
Noella wore a cute pink one shoulde dress with white heels. She'd curled her beautiful blonde hair. I was jealous. Eleanor wore a short black dress with black heels and her hair down. It looked like mine a bit. Danielle worde a silver dress with black in it. With black heels and her hair curled up. Her hair was so beautiful. Lily wore a blue/white dress with white heels and her hair looked like Danielle's. ( If it works you can look at the side bar to see the clothes)

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