Chapter 28 x

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The next day I didn't get out of bed. I didn't eat and I didn't drink. Toby came into my room. " Alli.. I made you a sandwich. And please come down stairs. Lily wants to talk to you.." Maybe this was the time to get my best friend back. I walked down stairs. " Hi Alli.." " Hi.." " You wanna talk?" She asked. " Yea come with me." I walked to the kitchen. " Alli.. I don't know where to start. I'm really sorry for being the worst friend ever. I can't believe I did that to you.. I just.. I just want to be friends with you again cause I miss you so much." She started crying. " Come here.." I pulled her into a hug and we cried together. " Sorry for saying that stuff yesterday.." I said and looked at her. " No you were right. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. But now I'm here, and I'll always be here I promise." She smiled. " I can't stay mad at you. I tried so hard but it didn't work out." I laughed. We were talking about everything that happened. " Lily.. Do you think I'm an alcoholic. I mean, I drank much but I quit." " No silly.. I'd probably done the same thing if I was in your position. Have you.. Have you heard from Zayn?" I looked at her. " No, he can go fuck himself. I don't wanna have anything with that kid anymore. He can have ashley if he wants.." " You know he wants you right? I mean.. He was really angry yesterday but I was with Niall all night and Zayn was crying like the whole night.." I sighed. Why does life has to be so damn hard. I sat down on the kitchen table. " But.. But I hit him yesterday.." " Yea I know.... I hit him too the day he eh.. The day it happened." " Really?! Omg are you serious?" I started laughing. " Yea I was so mad he did that to you, and I still am. I mean.. He cheated on my best friend.." She looked at me. I gave her a hug. " Thanks Lil.. So how's everything going between you and Niall." I said changing the subject. " Everything's fine.." She started talking. We talked for like 4 hours when she had to leave again. " I think I'm gonna invite Noella over. To apologise to her.." I said. " I think you should. She's really nice, and she thinks she's guilty for everything.." " Really?! Nooo. Okay I'm gonna call her. Bye lily." I gave her a hug and she went home. I called Noella.
*Phone conversation*
N- Hellooo?
A- Hii eh.. This is Alli..
N- Oh hi Alli.
A- I wanted to ask you.. You wanna hang out? I wanna talk to you..
N- eh.. Yea sure. Come to Starbucks? I'm already there.
A- Yea, I'll see you in a few. Bye!
*End of phoneconversation*

I ran upstairs and got dressed. I went to meet Noella at starbucks. I arrived there. " Hi Noella!" I said and walked up to her. " Hi! So what do you wanna talk about?." " I eh.. I wanted to apologise." I looked at her. " And I wanted you to know that it's not your fault what happened between me and Lily.." " Thanks.. I was a little scared it was my fault.." " No no you didn't do anything. Sorry for everything I said to you." " It's okay. Friends again?" I stood up and so did she. " Yup. Friends again." I pulled her into a hug. We sat there talking for a couple of hours. When I went home I was happy. I had 2 friends back. No I mean 3.. I also made it up with Hannah. I went to bed. This time I didn't cried myself to sleep.


This is really short i know but i'll update the rest today, i promise (:

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