Chapter 15 x

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* 2 weeks later.* 

Me and Zayn were still together, yeeey. But it wasn't Official for the world. The fans forgotten about me, but there were still some rumours about me and Zayn. Well.. they weren't really rumours, but.. You know. Hehe. Niall and Lily were still together. Ashley and Harry were still together -,-. 

These last two weeks were really fun. And Zayn was such a sweetheart. A really good boyfriend. :) I'm so lucky.

Me Lily Eleanor and Danielle have become really good friends. 

By the way, Lily and I were kicked out of our own dance group cause we only practice together. Blablabla. 

Ashley didn't try to ruin our relationship anymore. She didn't left notes in my locker. No more screaming in the school hallway. Nothing. I wonder what she's up to.  

Anyway, this week is going to be awesome. With this week I mean this weekend of course. IT'S LILY'S BIRTHDAY SATURDAY!. We decided to do a huge birthday party in my house cause she still lives with her parents. We already had everything set up. We only had to go shopping for our outfits. Me Lily Eleanor and Danielle went out shopping. 

Me and Lily's outfit :

Danielle's outfit :

Eleanor's outfit:

And the Lads were also out shopping.

It was already thursday, and I was really excited for saturday. One problem... WHAT THE HELL AM I GONNA GIVE LILY FOR HER BIRTHDAY?! Okay think, think, think. (Jimmy Neutron hehehe) fuck, I really have no clue.

" Lily what do you want for your birthday?" I asked, we were sitting in a little cafe. " I don't want a present Alli." " YES! IT YOUR BIRTHDAY SILLY!" I screamed/ whispered. I decided to ask Danielle and Eleanor. They were sitting next to me but, you know.. Lily was not supposed to hear it. So text them

A- what are you girls gonna give her?

E- I have nice heels for her xx

D- I have a necklace. Xx

A- I really don't know what to give her. X

D- I know something. Make a speech. 

A- wait whut? What am I supposed to write down then?

E- Just write down how amazing she is, and how glad you are to have her. :) 

This was actually a pretty good idea.

A- it's actually a good idea. Thanks guys! X

I looked over to both of them and they give me a smile and a wink. " What's going on?.." Lily asked. " Oh nothing. I just found out what to give you." I chuckled. We continued eating and drinking our tea. 

I came home and my feet were killing me. Like seriously, I felt like they were bleeding. Which they weren't of course. I crashed on the couch. "You want something to drink sis?" Toby yelled from the kitchen. " YES PLEASE I'M DYING." He brought me some juice and sat down next to me. " So how was your day with the girls?" " It was fun. So what did you do today?" I knew he didn't do anything. He such a boring person. " Nothing. But I'm gonna go clubbing with Thomas tonight." He smiled. " Oh really? Sounds fun. But don't you have school tomorrow?" I asked. " Yeah, but who cares?" He was right. " I care.. A little... Okay maybe not." We both laughed. After an hour watching tv I went up stairs. I had to work on my speech. After 2 hours of writing, I still hadn't got anything. This was damn hard. I went to bed and fell asleep very quickly.



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