"You aren't taking her." Connor growled.

"I believe you misunderstood. I wasn't asking." Collin said. He aimed the gun at Connor. You were both frozen in fear. "You have a choice, Connor. I feel I don't need to explain the details. Which will it be?" He stayed in front of you.

"Never." He said.

"Very well. I wish I didn't have to take such drastic measures." He said. Bandit leaped in and clamped his jaws shut around Collin's arm. He was able to get the gun away from him. You grabbed it and Shot Collin three times. He collapsed, lifeless. Connor hugged you.

"Are you alright?" He asked. You nodded.

"Connor, that's who I saw before. In my dream, remember?" He looked at Collin and nodded.

"I understand why you said it looked like me now." He said.

"But, he's dead now, right?" You asked.

"I'm afraid Cyberlife has there ways. He can come back. It's most likely the same thing they did with me. We can't stay here any longer." Connor said. You nodded.

"You're right, but where are we going to go?" You asked.

"The best place would be New Jericho. Markus said they had a new tunnel and room network underground that's protected by a shield only detectable and accessible by deviants. It's our best bet." Connor said. You nodded.

"Okay." You said. "It'll be crammed."

"I know, but what's more important is our safety. We must notify Markus of this as well." Connor said. You both hurried home and grabbed what you could. You remembered when you and your friends left for Jericho. You paused, sitting on your bed sadly. Connor noticed. He came over and sat down next to you.

"Will we always be running?" You asked. "Is it just destined to be like this? This constant fear and running and fighting just to wash, rinse, and repeat?"

"No." Connor said firmly. "We'll stop them, okay? I won't let us keep running and fighting. I promise you'll be able to live in this world without fear. I will be right beside you, every day for eternity if that's what it takes to make you feel safe and to see your smile." He said. You were grateful he was trying, but it didn't help.

"But...what if I lose you? What if you lose me? I don't want to have to keep fighting for however long it takes. I just want to be happy with you. I want us to be free, but...how much will we have to pay to get it?" You asked. He sighed.

"I must be honest, I don't know. But I won't leave you, and I will not let them take you from me." He said. You kissed him, desperate for the feeling it gave you. Connor kissed back pulling you close to him. He fell back as you laid on top of him, both of you kissing like your lives depended on it. When you finally broke away you held onto him and he held onto you.

"I love you so much, Connor. I don't wanna lose you." You said.

"You won't. I know I've promised many things to you, but I mean it when I say it. I promise you will never lose me." He assured. You smiled a little.

"Thank you, Connor." You whispered in his ear. He smiled kissing your jawline sweetly over and over again. You sighed happily at the feeling. "Thank you." You breathed again.

"Don't." He mumbled before kissing your neck sweetly. "Stop thanking me. I would do anything for you, my love." He told you. You smiled.

"I know." You said. He soon stopped. He looked into your eyes and you knew what he was going to say. He cupped your cheek.

"We have to go, (Y/n)." You nodded and you both got up. He helped you finish packing what you could in a travel bag you had for emergencies. You had one for each of you. After that, you both took Galaxy and Bandit and left for New Jericho.

Once you got there Connor explained to Markus and North and they both initiated their code yellow. A code yellow was a location exposure threat, meaning they had to go to the hidden underground tunnels they had been working on. Everyone that still lived at Jericho followed the procedure, you and Connor now included.

You all made it down there and you and Connor found the room Markus had assigned you too. He'd sent out newly trained scout androids to find and retrieve your friends. You collapsed onto the bed there. There was only one, not that it mattered to either of you. The wolves would be staying with the other animals, but they could roam freely when it was allowed. Most of the time it would be unless there was a lockdown.

"I'll take Galaxy and Bandit to where they're staying." Connor said. You just gave him a sad nod. He kissed you again.

"I know it's not the best, but it's the safest thing we can do." He said.

"What about all the other androids out there?" You asked. He hugged you.

"I don't know what's going to happen, but it'll be okay." He told you and he left while you got a few things set up. You laid down afterward and began to relax. You did feel safer. Soon enough, it lulled you to sleep.

Saving the Broken (Connor x Deviant!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora