Arnold grinned at Eldon and narrowed his eyes. "Because he has competition now. Poor Booker couldn't get the girl this time."

Eldon almost snarled at him until he noticed Booker shaking.

Annaliese, on the other hand, growled under her breath. She stepped up to Arnold and gestured to her bow. "Would you kindly silence yourself before I shoot an arrow through your skull?"

Arnold gaped at her. Before he could say anything, the captain made his way over.

Looking directly at Eldon, he said, "You're in luck—"

"Good morning, Your Highness!" Booker blurted, waving his right hand.

Many groaned while others just shook their heads. Annaliese and David exchanged glances. Elouise, of course, wasn't bothered by this. She gave Booker a small smile and greeted him in return.

"You look amazing today, Your Highness," Booker continued, ignoring the subtle nudging from Annaliese. "N-Not that you don't always look—"

"Booker!" the captain bellowed. And Booker bowed his head, pouting.

The captain apologized to Elouise before continuing his original statement to Eldon. "As I was saying, you are in luck today, trainee. Your break begins now. Half an hour early. Thanks to Her Highness who would like to speak with you."

Booker sighed, and Arnold snickered. Annaliese raised her fist as if to punch Arnold. But she probably thought better about it because she then moved her fist behind her back and grumbled to herself.

Eldon quickly organized the bow and quiver back with the others while Elouise walked forward. When he walked past the line of trainees again, he heard Arnold mumble under his breath, "And that's how you get the girl."

This time, since the captain wasn't looking, Annaliese did throw her punch.

Once Eldon reached Elouise, he asked, "Somethin' wrong?"

Elouise didn't say anything until they reached the ash tree at the top of the hill. There, she took a deep breath, looking everywhere but at him. "Well, I have merely been wondering how you are?" Then her troubled gaze finally met his. "And I never... I never thanked you. For what you did to my father."

Eldon raised his eyebrows, stunned by how much that last part seemed to mean to her. "You don't gotta thank me."

"No, Eldon, I must. Because my father is alive, but he will never know that it was you who healed him." She turned away, her lip curling in disgust. "He believes what he was told by Dr. Rolfe... that Godwin saved him."

"Better that than him knowin' 'bout magic. And it ain't like we're gonna see that Godwin again."

Elouise glanced back at him and sighed. "I told Fayre a while ago. So, at least someone else knows the truth."

It didn't matter to Eldon either way. He nodded anyway, though.

Elouise opened her mouth, inhaling softly like she was preparing herself to say more. Maybe it was what she really came here to talk to him about. Then she paused, dropping her attention to the ground.

Eldon took a step closer. "I'm doin' just fine," he answered the first question she'd asked him. "But what 'bout you?"

The faint creases in her forehead straightened as she looked him in the eyes once more. Gently, she placed a hand on his arm, and she said, "If you are alright, then I am as well." With that, she stepped back and turned to leave.

And she stopped suddenly. Without looking in his direction, she added, "Perhaps you could meet me in the field this evening... right where we first met."

Eldon blinked, unsure what she wanted to say to him there that she couldn't just say to him now. But he agreed. Then she only further added to his confusion by asking him to make sure he brought his sword, bow, and plenty of arrows. And she left without giving him time to question her. Maybe that was the point, though.

The trainees noticed her walking away and called out goodbyes to her. Elouise smiled at them and gracefully waved in return.

Eldon moved closer to the tree and leaned against it, thinking over their brief conversation. There was supposed to be more to it, he knew. And it unnerved him how desperately she was trying—and failing—to keep things from him. He figured she would explain it all to him later, away from any possible eavesdroppers.

So, he returned to the others.

According to the captain, because Eldon was already granted the title as Elouise's personal knight by the king, his training wouldn't last as long.

Just a few months of agony.

Just enough to prove to the captain that Eldon really was worthy of the title.

Eldon yanked on the high collar of his black undershirt. Then he picked at the thick burgundy tunic, feeling suffocated. Just a few more months of having to train in this uniform.

Although, from what he'd seen, the official knight's uniform wasn't much more comfortable.

"Trainee!" the captain shouted, waving his arm to capture his already fully gained attention.

Eldon bit down on his tongue, resisting a groan as he faced him.

"If you are done dawdling, get back here!"

He bit down harder as he dragged himself back. The evening couldn't come fast enough.

A Guardian's Fate (Book #2)Where stories live. Discover now