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Custos' pov:

She was genuinely different from our previous king.

Helpful, friendly, and caring, unlike him, no one worded it out loud while he lived, but it was long awaited for someone to end his reign. 

One thing was bothering me despite all the good... Harmonia... She couldn't keep away from Amata... It feels strange to call her that even if she told me I should do that, it'll take most likely a week or two for me to get used to it.

Right now, I'm standing by the door of her room, arms crossed, as Harmonia takes off the bandages. The docs are still too scared to get close to her, so yeah, it is still her doing that. I didn't enjoy her behavior towards our queen. Amata does nothing to confirm her advances, but it doesn't stop her since she never outright tells her off.

"There you go, free of all these bandages. I'll leave you to change, and we'll meet again at breakfast."

"Alright." I stepped away from the door as Harmonia left before standing back where I was after closing it.

"If I may speak..." I said, uncrossing my arms but looking away when I saw her look at the new clothes put out on the bed for her to change into. It would be indecent for me to look.

"Go on, I'm not holding you back, am I?"

"I think you should tell her this can't continue onward."

"I know that, Custos, I know, I will, but I still need to get certain things done before that."

"Very well." I don't think that's a good idea, but I respect her choices.

"Do you think this fits me? I usually wear looser clothes." I looked at her up and down.

"You look good. You shouldn't worry about that." It was simple brown shorts and a slim-fit black T-shirt. She was looking in the mirror, and I could see the scar of the claw marks across the left side of her face, along with the red markings and the other less noticeable scars from the fight.

"Mhm." She hummed, turning away from the mirror to look at me with her bright golden slit eyes, I usually was good at guessing what someone's heritage was with their looks as I was taught to ensure no spy got through to the monarch, but I couldn't identify her no matter how much I tried... Golden eyes that only angels could have, slit eyes that are more like werecats but pointed at the top and bottom and not rounded, strength and a wolf for the werewolf, red vampire hair, and small fangs... I just couldn't see how someone could have so many different visible traits from so many races in times like these. "Let's go eat." She said, putting her short cape on, followed by the quiver and her dagger belt.

"Right." I opened the door again and followed her out of the room.

Amata's POV:

The scars were still bright pink since they were new and all, but it wasn't a bother next to the bright red marking on my face. I could feel Invisus rolling her eyes at me in my mind, but I had no way of proving it. She would never admit such things if I asked.

"Hey, you're a werewolf too, not a werecat, correct? Werecats are more lean and slender, right?"

"Yes, for both questions," Custos answered.

"Those cats are way more prideful than wolves at times. You've seen that man. I needed to knock him out with a small chair..." "A stool?" "Yeah, that's the word. A stool. Because I had looked at him a few hours earlier and didn't wanna fight."

"Well, this is who we are."

"I know I never said otherwise. Just pointing it out." 

We walked in silence until my ears caught the sound of a plate breaking. I glanced back at the guard, and we ran over as we heard yelling. I slammed the double door to the dining room open.

 I saw terrified maids hurry around to clean up the mess on the floor as the brothers seemed pissed.

"Primis! Viribus! Get the fuck away from her before I kick your sorry asses out of this manor and the capital-- No, the land itself!" They huffed at me and dropped Harmonia to the ground. They hated each other even before I arrived, I could easily tell, but I won't let them do such things under my rule...

I sighed and walked over, offering my hand to her.

"There there, they are gone." I helped her up to her feet and checked her head since she was holding it, but luckily, there were no cuts, even if the plate pieces around us could have hurt her. "You will only have a big bump, nothing more."

"Thank you." I let her hug me and patted her head with one hand and a soft sigh only I heard. For reasons like these, I can't get away and make her understand our feelings aren't the same; I always come to save her from danger... I have an idea.

"Harmonia... I will teach you how to beat me." I told her after she backed away from me.

"What, why?"

"I want you to be able to stand up for yourself. I know you might not like fighting and violence from what I saw on my first look at your family when I arrived here, but as part of the were-creatures, it's in your blood. You need to know how to fight to keep yourself safe."

"I can understand despite not wanting to agree with you there, but why beat you? You could get me a teacher if that's really what you want."

"I want you to beat me because you are from royal blood while I'm not; you grew up here while I didn't. You and I have a similar mindset for what we want for the wolves and cats' future: to be at peace with the other nations... I did not plan to stay here, Harmonia. I learned not long ago I have a destiny that I can't run from, but to accomplish it, I can't remain here, so I'll teach you how to fight, and you'll challenge me for the throne when you're ready, if you beat me the people will see you as stronger than me even. They'd follow your words and wishes."

"But--" "No buts, let's eat up, and we start right after breakfast." She stared a bit before smiling with a sort of half-confident look with a bit of worry but still happiness mixed in it.

Oh, mother of all living beings... I think you might have overestimated me for this task. I don't know how I will bring peace to the nations... But I'll try doing what I can... My dad died for the cause, so it's my duty to at least try... Try for him...

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