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Aura's pov:

Days went by with the same training given to Amata, she was getting the hang of the language in spoken and written form but she still was blind like the rest, she couldn't see nor hear what she needed to, each time coming to tell me more of what she saw, always something else but always failed. I could tell it was frustrating her but I couldn't help, it was her job to understand and see beyond what she can and hear what's in the silent.

I was leaning back against a tree, I never left despite her thinking that which was another sign she failed, I hid up in the trees branches to watch her, from all our chats and what I learned... If she succeeds... She might get a step forwards the inevitable... I just hope she can take the step, even if it's jumping forth without knowing if there will be something or someone to catch you before you fall into darkness... Amata... I believe in you... You are almost there... Take that step.

Amata's pov:

I was twiddling with my fingers as I sat on the trunk, lost, I had told Aura that the grass was green, the sky was blue, the water flowed or that three birds chirped instead of two but nothing, I always failed this, why? Just why?

I sighed and let my hands fall at my side as I stood up and took a step away from the trunk, closing my eyes but turning my face towards the sky.

I took a deep breath, not doing anything else, motionless.

I opened my eyes to a sound that came to disturb my silence, it was quiet and yet something that couldn't be missed, I looked towards the sound and saw ants climbing up and down a tree's branch, one of them transporting a dead ant in its jaws... I never noticed that. I looked towards the river flowing by, despite the water flow's noise I could hear a toad croaking close and jumping in the water, a... A deer drinking from it before shaking out it's fur, a fish jumping out of the water, it was a salmon. I turned my head up at the sky to see flies, mosquitoes and even a dragonfly flying through the air, each making a slightly different buzzing tone, the dragonfly was pretty, it's head and stomach black while the back of it was red. I looked as the ground to see still dew drops on few of the grass blades, a ladybug walking over to one of the drops, it had 7 dotes on its back.

I furred my eyebrows and looked up at the trees again, my eyes scanning the place, searching for this constant thump I'm hearing.

"Boo." I jumped as Aura laughed her butt off, I was so concentrated on the branches I didn't notice the source of the sound moved... Wait a sec... The source of the sound.

"Woah wait you're making that thump sound?"

"More like my heartbeat, we elves can faintly hear most peoples heartbeats."


"You can hear my heartbeat. Anyway, tell me what you saw and heard, the exercise didn't change." I then started listing of what I did but with a much lengthier description since I saw and heard new things and saw old ones more detailed, I never had noticed how much I missed in my day to day life. "Hahaha good very good but I expected such results at your change."

"My change?"

"Yeah you didn't notice?" I shook my head and jogged to the river, walking to a calmer part of it to look in my reflection, I had a step back in surprise before kneeling down to be closer and staring at myself, touching my face lightly and turning my head side to side. My eyes were a really bright forest green instead of being golden, my ears were pointier then they usually were and the red markings on my face were green. "Seems it's not something you expected huh?" I knew Aura was behind me before she even talked.

"No I didn't."

"Well training is done for today, tomorrow we'll move on to the second phase of your training which is getting you used to this new power of yours and weapons." I nodded and walked home with my stuff, all seemed much more colorful, more filled with life, it was so beautiful, is this what elves see all the time and hear? I dropped my stuff on my house's floor and sat cross legged on the couch, laying my arms across my legs and closing my eyes with a sigh.

I opened then back up in my mind and walked straight in the temple, jumped down and walked forwards but this time something was different, instead of only a red line glowing on the ground there was a green line going in the same way but not touching each other, a place in the middle left that was the size of the green and red line.

"It's been a long time since you visited me in person." Invisus said and what I feared was confirmed, I'll remained you first that two chains each held one of her legs to the ground, holding her by the ankles, two chains with one around each wrist and holding her arms out horizontally to the ground, one chain around her hips, one around her stomach near her ribs and only one was missing before which was where the red line lead, to a wolf carving to the wall with that chain snapped... But now two were missing.

The one that held her near her ribs was no more and the green light lead to an elvish person's carving on the dome's wall the chain snapped and laying on the ground.

"Two down, five to go." She chuckled darkly looking at me as I furred my eyebrows, she was right after all.

"I'm not here to hear about your rambling, I want you to explain what this new ability can do, mother wouldn't have given you as my beast without you knowing this stuff."

"Oh so you now called the wretched monster of a goddess mother?!!"

"I get it you hate her and I did too, you must have felt it... But in a world like this? It's reassuring despite me not wanting to call her that at all at the start, she's always here, you must have felt her touch too... I can't really explain exactly as clearly as you'd wish I did." she sighed, yeah the second I read those stories of the seven I had known what happened to her, I just pitied her for going down like that, all other guides died on their own... Or at my hand but that doesn't matter right now... She went down after killing her loved ones, I'd lose my mind too if I did such thing.

"You are such an idiot Amata... Fine I'll explain, this power lets you tap in your elfish part to acquire elfish senses, maybe not smell, taste or touch but sight and hearing reach a pure elf's level, that's mostly what it does, you can call upon this power like the hybrid form, by thinking about it."

"Thanks... I'll leave you to your thoughts right now." I opened my eyes outside of my mind and stood up to go get my book to work a bit more before the worst pain I ever felt suddenly appeared in my eyes making me scream and grab my face.

I shakily pulled my hand away as I fell on my knees as I felt liquid on them and through blurry vision I could see it was blood, I grabbed at my face again and screamed as the pain got worst and fell on my side. I felt my conscious fleeing to escape the pain when I hear low chuckle in my mind.

'I forgot to say using this for a prolonged period of time can cause you extreme pain and even the loss of your vision.' Curse you Invisus... I passed out, hearing someone running up the steps.

.The Child Of A Goddess.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora