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Custos' pov:

Well... To sum up what happened... We tried talking to the men and now we sat in an underground prison where we got dragged, blindfolded and chained... It was underground that's for sure.

I begged them to leave me the egg and crystal, down on my knees and head against the ground, the lowest version of a bow. They only let me keep the egg as they suspected it was a pet and that it wouldn't endanger them. So I was now sitting with my knees up against me and my arms around them so this way the egg was held against me as this place was all wet and cold, I feared it might not do good for it.

Fortis had given me his cap to wrap the egg up for a layer of protection against the cold... I had kinda eavesdropped on Amata before the lady went outside and pretended to be asleep when the lady passed me, I was worried okay? But I did learn something. I softly whistled to the egg and got a worryingly weak response, it was soft before but this was getting worse and we've only been here maximum a day.

"Please be strong, hold on just a little bit longer." I whispered to it as the others just sadly stared, hearing how the baby inside the egg was slowly dying while we waited to be brought before the leader.


After what felt like eternity we were finally dragged to the leader, a gruff looking man.

"We found these spies at the inn."

"We are no spy." I spat at what the guard said despite the blade near my neck as I held on the egg tightly.

"What else could you be?" The leader was interested, that's good.

"I am the former royal guard of the were king before leaving, this is a cat, my friend and this is an elf also a friend, you think any of our race is on a good term with your queen to be a spy?"

"No and let's say you aren't, how did you hear of this group and why are you here."

"Simple." Aura said. "I am the elf, I just overheard the conversation."

"And our group's 'leader' came here to talk to the queen to declare peace or she'll declare war with the weres and elves backing her up." Fortis finished.

"And what shall it do to us?—" "Dux step down, I heard enough." I looked to the side to see a man I didn't see before come out of the shadows and the leader bowed, leaving the place for the normal looking vampire as he sat down... Wait that was a fake leader? The bad guy good guy play? "They are no spies, I smell a resent client's strange smell on them and she had told me the same thing just a bit differently... You guys must be the friends of the golden eyed and red haired wolf aren't you?"


"If that's her name."

"She had shoulder length hair and two braids in the side, a hooded T-shirt and pants but no shoes, she's around my height and has red marking on her face."

"Yeah it was her... Give their stuff back at once and lead them to the resting chambers, I'll listen to the full story later on." 

When I got my bag I instantly fished out the crystal and unwrapped the egg to put it next to it and wrapped both up as I followed where we were being led away, a bit less anxious but hoping the hatchling was alright.

"I promised your mother I'd take care of you, I won't let anyone hurt you." I whispered to the bundled up egg in my arms in relief.

.The Child Of A Goddess.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu