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Amata's pov:

Timor was more aware of what came with saving him after our discussion and I can't say I regret scaring him, he has no idea of consequences nor does he know what rules are at play, he was too young when taken away to know this.

What I regret is his fear towards me, I don't really like to make people fear me much less those that shouldn't... Well there is a reason but I am still the one there to keep him safe... Well we can't change the past now can we.


It was a surprise to actually see way more small demon villages around than any other villages from the other lands we visited, if I stood on the roof of the tallest building in the villages which was the church I could see many other villages all around us, grouped like in the 3 kilometers around the river but still not that close to each other but close enough to make it through several in a day, it was amazing to see so much.


"Fucking fiiiiine we'll stop goddess stop complaining." I turned to Fortis and Dea who fist pumped into the air. "You both are alcoholics I swear."

"Come on don't be an ass this is the only time we might get to taste local demon brew."

"Still an alcoholic Fortis."

"Oh fuck you."

"Fuck you too."

"I missed how you two always fought."

"Shut up Costos!" We both yelled at her as she smiled at us.

"Amata you need a drink too, you need to relax and you haven't since what happened between you and the demon queen." Aura said.

I reached up and laid a hand on my shoulder, the clothes covered the end of one of the whip scars I had, every time I thought back to what any of the three queen's that have tortured me did I could like feel the whip tear at my skin all over again.

"Maybe I could you a drink." I said rolling my shoulders and hanging my arms at my sides. "But we only stop at nightfall."

"Good since I am missing a good bed."

"When aren't you missing a bed Deus?"

"Now that's just mean."

"Let's just move." I sighed staring ahead of me, Frigus ridding alongside my shoulder while Viridi chose Custos today.

I tilted my head to the side until I heard a pop and straightened my neck, I haven't been the same huh? since when haven't I been truthfully?
I long known I changed even if I try to remain the same, I had always known this would change something in me, my body? my looks? my strength or knowledge? I was never sure but only fools would believe they'd remain the same.

But no one had ever pointed it out to me.

No one ever thought I was different before.

She might have not used the words changed, different or new but I knew something wasn't same.

This thought ate away at my mind we we walked.


"What is so different about me?" I asked Aura, a small glass in hand the demons called a shotglass, they also said this was enough to knock out lightweights.

.The Child Of A Goddess.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora