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Amata's pov:

Upon learning the truth on this new ability I needed to find a way to prolong my limit on using it or it might not even be of use so after my training with Aura I went off on my own.

I would soon end up with blood dripping down my face with a horrible pain inside and everywhere on my eyeballs, I would even skip dinner when it was too bad. I was doing training as said and one of my eyes was already bleeding, okay... Okay this is good, my other is still fine despite the pain.

 Okay this is good, my other is still fine despite the pain

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Though soon came blood from that too.

"I-I did it I got further."

"It's not always the best option to push beyond our natural limits child." I turned to see the queen but I had that stupid happy look on my face still, eyes bleeding and red... I must look horrible but I was to tired to care really.

 I must look horrible but I was to tired to care really

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(Something LIKE THIS but worse!!)

"But if I can't somehow get a longer time of usage I need to find it, I need to work on it."

"Sometimes it's not the quantity that matters but how you use it".

"What?" I understood yeah but it was still strange to hear.

"Stop such training and trust my daughter she knows what she's doing."

"But I wi-- yes my queen." I said, cutting myself off with a sigh and doing what I would do, just walked home and slept despite the horrid pain. I didn't care for the pain; it would be gone tomorrow anyway.


"I heard you went behind my back to train" I sighed, Aura didn't seem happy.

"I'm so--" "Yeah yeah whatever so today, the festival of the all mother is in not too long and normally everyone brings something to it, like a sort of offering, a story, a dance, acrobatic, a sculpture or even a song. Anything is accepted, everyone does something on their own for this occasion which comes every year, so for now instead of the second part of the training with your power you will be working on what you will bring to the festival." I was a little guilty to have gone behind her back because she looked disappointed even if she didn't voice it and tried to hide it but I could also tell she was really worried about my health.
I nodded, not wanting her to disapprove more. Training went by far faster than I thought, first my dagger then using my bow and finally bare handed training.

I was soon alone with my thoughts on what the hell I would do for this festival for my mother's sake... I couldn't write stories, I was not a dancer and sure as heck not an acrobat, I don't think showing myself and my powers would be good enough even if I'm the moon goddess' daughter, I can sculpt but I wouldn't have the time, same with crafting and forging something worthy of the festival in such a short time, I would need much more time to choose material, forge temperature and much more, I can't sing to save my life either so what can I do.

I sighed as I flipped through my notebook with my quill in hand and writing the Latin equivalent of what I saw, yeah I still did this exercise... Oh father what do you think I should do? I have nothing to tell or show, my story isn't worthy of a story yet, having just started this journey... Wait I know!

I stood up and picked up the pile of rolled up empty parchments I had found lying in the storage room of this house and started to write before discarding that piece and starting again. I can't write a story exactly about myself... So I'll write something about how a lone wolf that found the daughter of the moon. It would be the perfect choice for what I should do. I wrote the title I had in mind in my notebook, I would use the parchment as rough drafts and write the finished product in my notebook and on a separate piece of parchment to be sure not to lose it until the festival day to have a backup.

"Tale of the moon." I read the title out loud with a smile, this will serve as a sort of tribute to the role my father played in all of this to be possible and to never be forgotten to time as long as either one of these versions are to remain somewhere.

I didn't sleep that night and used my fire crystal to work on what would be the best piece of craft that I ever made, I will put my life and soul into it.

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