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Amata's POV:

I looked out the window in surprise.

It turns out I did fall asleep for a bit since the sun was setting over the town, and I could already hear the men and women partying downstairs.

I sighed and stood up, taking the chair away from the door and opening it, the music getting louder with the chatter.

I locked the door behind me and put away the key again, walking downstairs. It was less full than I thought it would be with the noise.

'What did you think? Most others are sleeping.'

'No shit!'

'I don't know if I should destroy you with the world or torture you by letting you watch how I destroy it.'

'It's not like I plan on letting you out.'

'But I will get out one of these days.'

I sighed. There it goes again, that eternally wrath-filled beast I got stuck with.

I walked over to the counter.

"Hey my f'iend yah came! I kept this for yah!"

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"Hey my f'iend yah came! I kept this for yah!"

"Oh... My Goddess, it's a big portion." There were three pork sides on the plate... Three... However, I was pretty hungry, and they looked good.

"Tep, the fi'st plate is on tha house with tha first bee'

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"Tep, the fi'st plate is on tha house with tha first bee'." He gave me a beer. "And yah only pay tha followin' ups."

"Oh... Thanks?"

"Any time f'iend!"

I went to sit at a small table in the corner; I let my eyes wander as I ate the meat... It was delicious, better than I thought it would be.

As time passed, mostly only the men remained, drinking and telling tales of all kinds. I was calmly drinking my second beer at the counter when I heard something from the discussion from my left.

".... You fought a bear? Bah, that's nothing compared to me! I looked death in the eyes, I tell you, a true beast! I lost my left arm and left eye against them. I needed to be a coward and lie down like I was dead to live! The whole army was decimated by the enemy army, too."

I glanced to my left to see a mid-40s-looking wolf.

"Yah d'ank ta much, man." The owner said, walking away to serve someone else.

"What are you looking at?!" The wolf with the missing arm grunted.

"I believe you, my father died in that fight. I wanna hear about this death you met." I have a feeling that I did that to him.

"Oh, you are a clever girl, I can tell, not like that man there, so I'll tell yah the story... I was marching up with my men against the vampires when a mighty beast appeared, eyes void of life, red markings on their skin illuminating the air around them in a blood-red glow... It was devastating; men and women fell left and right, and no one was fast enough to run from that monster. I only lived because I was knocked to the ground and played dead. Such a disgrace on my part... Next thing I knew, I woke up in elves hands who saved me from death."


"Oh, I forgot you look too young to be in the war. Excuse me, elves and wolves fight side by side in our war; we both want the land for different yet similar purposes." Okay, so I was that monster, and elves are allies with were-creatures... Shit.

"No one believes you?"

"No, they all say I'm traumatized or some shit because I drink!" Aaaaand he fell over, blacking out because of his drinks... If he weren't that drunk, he would have even noticed that the monster had similar markings on its face, just like those I have on my face.

"Yah don't t'uly believe him do yah?" I faced the owner.

"Nah, man, just wanted to know what strange stuff he was talking about."

"Yeah, I get yah..... Though I'm wo''ied because this story is going a'ound tha people and with multiple seeing that monste' ca''ying a body or something heavy... What if it was t'ue man?"

"It can't be another myth that will be there with the dragons in the story books." He laughed loudly.

"I like yah miss, yeah yah''e 'ight, I'm stupid."


I finish my drinks when I hear another fight start, I say another because drunk wolves and cats fight even more then sober ones.

I was going to ignore it before a bottle was broken on my head, my hood protecting me from any shards of glass that could have cut me but it was painful.

"Watch it!" I yelled over my shoulder while turning around.

"Who you yelling at?!" Oh jeez that cat man again from before, he must have made the same connection, dropping what remained of another bottle, even if I knew I wasn't the target at first... Now I was.

I ducked under his punch as his previous opponent backed away, forgotten as he came at me.

I snapped my leg out and swiped his owns out from underneath him as the crowd cheers, damn drunk people.

He fell as I stood back straight, arms not lifted yet.

He staggers to his feet, also a bit drunk but I guess I could count as that tho it was only two beers and I can take two easily... Unless these are more alcoholic then back home which they must be.

He suddenly grabs my arm and flips me over his hand and my back slammed onto a table, knocking the copper mugs full of beer on the ground, I yanked my arm free and roll to the left, falling of the table and onto my feet, his punch meeting the wood instead on my body.

I grab the small chair pushed at the end of the table and smash it against his head making him fall on all fours and hit him with it again so hard the chair broke as the hit knocked him out cold.

I pant a little since even if that was short it's more tiring to fight when you might be drunk.

I dropped the chair's legs that I was still holding and walked away to my room, locking the door with the key and chair before laying down on the bed and pulling the covers over me, throwing my hooded cape on the chest and staring out the window at the dark sky.

So... I already became a sort of scary story to the people so the king most likely already heard of it to... And the fact that elves are their allies changes a lot now...

I sighed and closed my eyes, my back hurting but I was to tired to even care...

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