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Dea's pov:

I didn't know Aura for long but her death was still painful.

Deus and I were all we had for each other before she met Aura and the other with me.

Aura was like the mom friend of the group, trying to keep the toddlers we are compared to her under control.

She was so nice and understanding and pretty.

I can't envision the pain Deus is going through.

If only I had been strong enough to help and save her.

Timor's pov:

Aura was nice and she was the one to help me when I first woke up around them.

It wasn't long since I've known her but she reminded me of my mother, I felt safe around her.

She was funny and skilled and would always help me out when I need it. she even promised to help me with my magic.

If only I had been strong enough to help and save her.

Fortis' pov:

That girl... I've always seen her as my best friend despite not wording it, she was just whom I needed, relaxed and peppy, full of energy and positivity.

I never thought it would end up like this, she didn't deserve to go down like that.

Dammit... We've made such long way together I never thought my stupid question about how we wanted to be dealt with if we died would come true.

If only I had been strong enough to help and save her.

Custos' pov:

There was a time Aura and I were at each others necks with teeth and nails for Amata's affection but I would give up, I would let her have Amata if only it meant it would change what happened and let her live.

She was whom pushed me to better understand myself, to break out of my shell created from my training, without her I'd have had no reason to understand my feelings.

She soon became the only reason I survived that demon lady kidnapping us, her taking what pain she'd put me through, she lived while I would have died.

She just started to get better, to forget the pain and all came to an abrupt end.

If only I had been strong enough to help and save her.

Amata's pov:

Aura had been one of my first loves with Custos and she was my teacher, teaching me how to see, how to hear, how to accept me killing Somnum, how to write Latin, how to read Latin and how to speak Latin, she was someone so close too me I never thought I'd loose her and yet here we are, Aura up in ashes.

She wanted to go home after the quest was finished, she wanted to go home... She would have if it wasn't for me, if I didn't freeze up in fear.

When I light the flames of her pyre fear grabbed me again as watched the flames but I was so numbed by my pain I didn't move, now seeing Viridi make small flames fills me with fear no matter if they are only red... Flames scare me... Fire scares me...

I'm so sorry Aura.

Please dad... Look after her... Please...

If only I had been strong enough to help and save her.

Deus' pov:

I don't know how long I walked or how much distance there still was, only stopping when my body dropped exhausted or the emotions storming inside got the better of me, breaking me down to pieces which took a while to gather.

I couldn't stop thinking about her, I saw her face everywhere, around the corner, at a shop stall, cleaning a window, opening a door.

I tried to clear my head but I couldn't, I can't believe she is gone.

As the days went on and on so did I, walking back the way we came, reliving all the memories we shared together, all of us, the good and bad, the funny and cringy, the boring and exciting, none which helped me keep it together... But my body soon lost the strength to express emotion, falling into a numb neutral face.

My clothes were dirty and I wasn't the cleanest either.

If I get back to the demon capital I will be back to the starting point of my adventure with Aura and the rest, I wish we could have done something differently, I wish I could have saved her.

If only I had been strong enough to help and save her.

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