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Amata's pov:

Well the festival was still on its way and I was still standing, I think it was the second day's end right now, the scared fire was smaller but still as bright as ever. 

I was having fun listening to the songs and watching the dances, hell I was laughing my ass off when they pulled Custos with them forcing her to try to really badly do as they did to not completely embarrass herself, after all dances aren't the same between the races.

Heck even I was made to dance by a charming male elf, I don't swing that way but I can still tell he was charming you know, it was easy to get the hang of what I was to do since it didn't change much.

Right now I was leaning against one of the numerous wooden barrels stood up all around, the elves were the masters of plants so their beer and vine was the best you could ever taste.

"I never thought you'd pull such a thing out of nowhere." Aura said, reading through the notebook she was holding as I took a sip from the mug filled with beer I had.

"Well I can't really dance well enough, sing or did have time to forge something so this was the only thing I could come up with." I told her.

"It's true right?"

"Yeah this is what my father told me about, how he found me with a bit of poetic wording mixed into up until the time he passed away and I set on this journey."

"It's really good, this is the only text we have of how the daughter of the all mother came to be and the only time it's written down that someone of this world met the goddess, do you realize how precious this text can become with your destiny?"

"I know, that's partially why I have two copies, the original here and the other on a parchment."

"I think I should talk to my mother about archiving this since even if some don't believe in your success I do."

"Thanks." I took the notebook back and closed it.

"Well I'll go find her now."

"Aura... So will you stay? The condition of your stay come to an end after this festival." She was silent.

"I cannot leave without you having have finished your training so I'll stick around until I'm finished." That wasn't exactly the answer to my question but I let her walk away. 

I smiled to myself as I emptied the mug, then I quickly ran home to put the notebook down so I wouldn't lose it before jogging back to the festivities. the drunker I got the more I know I'll be unable to call back certain memories later on.

"Amata no, I learned a different sort."

"Wait, Custos you KNOW how to dance?"

"Well yeah it was part of my guard training sadly, if no one danced with a royal member at a party I needed too."

"Weird but still I don't know elvish dances either, come on."


"Oh please, just this one, I know only one dance and have no other partner."

"Fine... But after that one I won't"

"Alright alright," Haha I convinced her to dance with me as Fortis and I would never together and she was the other the knew our people's style and I wanted to have fun and dance.


I woke up with a huge headache and looked around, not surprised to see people still around but now a soft music was playing, not as loudly it was before, the elves were also more or less all sitting and telling stories to each other's will the fire was now only glowing cinder and when the last cinder would burn out the festival will be over.

I sighed and sat up from between the barrels, I think I had fallen and landed in the space between them because I can't imagine anyone messing around and putting six barrels around my body.
I pulled myself out with a bit of difficulty as the space was a tight squeeze, my hips and lower outside the barrel pile and the rest between the barrels but I got out in the end, leaning against them and passing a hand on my face and head before wincing, yeah I must have fallen, I feel a sore spot on my head.

I smelled of beer and my T-shirt was slightly damp and smelling of beer too. looking around now that I'm standing I can see more of the people, some were out like I was but not near the conundrum I found myself in.
My memories were segmented with moments of clarity intersected with blackness, it only made my head swim more to try to recall what happened and I needed to kneel down, hands gripping the top of the barrel for balance as I laid my forehead against its side.

"Oh good goddess my head is killing me." I muttered and sat down, deciding I shouldn't stand right now. I leaned my back against the barrel a bit slumped, one of my legs outstretched and the other bent up against my chest as I hugged it to me and laid my head on it, closing my eyes and waiting for my hangover to get better, if possible soon.

I wondered where all those I knew went since I didn't see them around the place I am but after all, all the forest was celebrating so who exactly knows where they are... I sighed softly, pulling my leg to me more so I had a bit more comfort to where I rested my head.

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