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Amata's pov:

This is unbearable!!

I'm losing my mind I swear!!

Let me out!!

I don't wanna do this!!

I'm so hungry!!

I'm so thirsty!!

This cage is to small!!

Someone help me!!!

I closed my eyes, trying to calm my thoughts and get them under control again, everything is fine, you are alive, you won't die, calm Amata... Calm.

I wasn't let outside of my cage, food and water were limited close to none, depending on the queen's mood she would or wouldn't give them to me and it depended also on how I acted with her, I can't keep up this act for long. My joints, muscles... My whole body is sore and in constant pain, unable to lay down or get in a pose the relieve the pain, paws worked down to blood in my fight to open the cage which had turned from an act to a scary reality. my mind couldn't take this!! I can't take this!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

I was pulling at my own hair in my mind, rolled up in a ball and gripping on my fleeting sanity like a child gripping on their mother for dear life after a nightmare... But my nightmare was unending and constant no matter if I slept or remained awake, it was slowly chipping away me, all I could think of was getting out of here, I want out, I want out please! Please!! Let me out!! I can't take it!! I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!!!!!

No, Amata calm, stay calm, stay calm, calm down don't pass out, you can't pass out Amata please don't, you can't let that happen... Why am I even talking to anymore?!! You won't listen to me Amata!! You ignore all I say!! What purpose do I have?! You wr--,"Looks like our little wolf is up and awake." I growled softly, backing up in the cage the furthest from this woman I could, I can't do this!! She pulled on my chain harshly to pull my head painfully against the bars making me whimper softly, ears bent back.

"There we go~ this is what I wanted to see... Open the cage." I bolted out of my prison when it was open but was yanked by the collar around my neck, chocking me for a second.

"Look... Aren't you hungry?" The queen dropped a bloody piece of meat on the ground... NEXT TO A BOWL OF WATER!! "Hahaha there there don't drown yourself." I don't care for what you say witch, drowning seems the holy grail of the ways to go in this place.
Oh fuck I didn't care anymore as I scarfed down the meat of whatever it was, I'll do anything but don't make me go back in the cage, I even licked the blood off her hand to try to somewhat keep the act of being broken up... Or was I just lying to myself?

"Hmmm you need a name... But first we need to have someone bath you, you stink after having have stayed in that cage for days but it was worth it." I was then more or less dragged to a big bathroom by servants and forcefully cleaned... My fur was so fluffy after that that I looked like a fluff ball of pure darkness, I didn't enjoy that... At all.

"Ah, there we go." The queen was given my chain back after the fluffiness was gone, they even freaking sprayed me with a perfume!! I'm a freaking perfumed wolf!!

"So girly I told you I'd break you." I was ashamed but she did... She even warned me... And she did it... She fucking did it... I broke and was willing to do anything to get out of that smelly, sticky, painful and claustrophobic cage.

"So for a name... I thought of Skah'la, it fits, it means darkness in the old tongue."

I still wasn't really going along willingly so I was dragged around where ever the queen went, heck the crystal gave her hella strength to be able to do that with me as if I was a small little poodle compared to her.


Night came... Well what I call night even if it isn't really, the sky was a darker orange then the light orange and brown I saw and people were going to bed so I'll call it night. Surprisingly her harem didn't follow her in her room and even I was left attached to the throne chair that was secured to the ground.

I looked around, no sound, nothing, all the place empty. I stood up on all four. my bones cracked and popped as my fur disappeared, claws turned to fingernails, ears shrunk.

I doubled over and fell on my side on the ground, biting my lip in pain and screwed my eyes shut, it hurt so much to change back after so much time spent as a wolf but it also had such a relieving feeling across my whole body, a similar feeling to when you have water in your ear and it refuses the leave your ear and suddenly it pops or when you feel a sneeze coming through and you sneeze, not feeling that feeling in your nose anymore, just as relieving as those two examples.

My head and neck were much smaller in my human form so I could slip my head out from collar and stand up, holding on the throne, it felt like my limbs were glass shards, I had a hard time breathing too but I stumbled to the big front door and pulled it open, slipping out, stumbling to the front gate and leaning against is.

I ended up sitting while I waited, damn I'm way too weak from what she did to me, I need to cooperate more to get food and water more often, I know I'll need to fight her to get that crystal in the end. I heard a quiet knock on the gate after a while and tentatively knocked back.

"Amata? Are you there?" I never thought I'd be so relieved to hear Selika's whisper from the other side.

"Yeah... Sorry I wasn't there earlier." I coughed, slightly chocking on my spit before spitting on the ground, I haven't talked in so long, all this hurt my overall body so much... And like people have normal spit but something happens like they don't drink for long like me or something else and the spit feels much more... Sticky maybe? Something like that, well that's my problem right now.

"It's alright take your time; we can't afford the queen finding out about the plan with you."

"Right... So here is the little I know for now..." And I told her all I have seen for now which was limited since I was in a cage and losing my mind. I told her about what she said, did, whom she talked to, what she ate, what made her mad and what made her smile, anything I had seen was told to Selika through the gate. after that was done we bid each other goodbye and went our own ways.

I sat at the throne and passed my head in the collar before shifting back in a wolf, the pain in my body only getting worst, I had shifted for the first time when I fought Harmonia's father and now I was forced to remain like this in the day and shift back in the night to tell info before becoming a wolf again and that would happen every single day from now on... My body was not ready for such feat and yet I must go through with it... Oh please mother of all, mother that created me from her own blood... Please... Help me...

.The Child Of A Goddess.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα