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Amata's pov:

I had spent all the time I could to complete what I would bring to the festival, it needed to be perfect, though I'm not writer and poet I still did my best to avoid any possible shame that could pop into existence.

My days were so filled with things to do the day of the festival soon came, I could already hear the music and song of the elves, from what I learned this lasted two to three days, they would start a big 'saint' fire and this went on until the last ember stopped glowing, food and drinks would flow with elves showing off what they made on the first day and then just doing as they wished with some doing performances.

I couldn't say I wasn't excited, I've never been on such a big festival but the elves that lived in my home town had their own smaller version of this and I liked the watch them from a rooftop but today I could be part of one.
I heard a knock on the door and closed my notebook, holding it against me as I walked over to open it.

"Come on! You can't stay inside for the whole festival!" Fortis yelling in my freaking face.

"Jeez, I'm just finishing what I'm bringing!" I huffed and saw Custos rolling her eyes behind him.

"Bah, I bet me and my partner will do much better then you could." He said.

"Oh yeah, what are you doing? Hide and seek?"

"Haha funny no but you need to wait to see it." There was no specific order in which people needed to present their creations, the rule was only that all must do it but doesn't matter when.

"Let's just go guys, I bet then I'm better then you two combined and you would never expect what I'll do."

"Hah, you're dreaming guard dog."

"Do you want me to hit you Fortis?"

"Let's just go." I was smiling as we walked closer to the singing and the crowd, I saw elves sitting and having in the large branches of the trees, dancing around to the song on the ground, laughter everywhere and overall joy seeping from every way and thing. There was an elevated stage on which were to elves doing and showing of their stuff.

"Ah I was looking for you guys!" I turned around.

"Oh my god what are you wearing Aura it's so not you." I said.

"Hahaha I know I know but the only thing I can really show of is what I know in dance so I dressed in something like this... Be sure to watch me okay?" Custos didn't seem happy but I ignored it, for now as my face was bright red, we sat down near the crowd that.

I watched elves show of from the smallest things like crafting a small but complex ring up to chest plates made from gold and enchanted to fit everyone to a book written about the tree spirits all the way to a simple wooden table to a child's messy drawing and a simple lullaby from a mother, it was exciting trying to guess what could the next person want to show. my face went red as it was... Well Aura's turn.

"Oh you are playing dirty now." Custos whispered.


"Oh nothing, I was talking to myself." She said but I know that was aimed at Aura for some reason, is there a sort of competition between them or what? even Fortis was confused.

"Well girls I'll go find my friend, look out for us." And he left. There were at least six elves before Fortis was on stage with a female elf his height, there was a little silence since he'd be the first of us three to participate in this, everyone was intently watching.

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