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Invisus' pov:

My eyes were on the silent girl in front of me but neither had the want to break the silence.

I'd hate to admit it but this... Event.... Brought me back to when the people I cared for died because of me, I don't and will never remember anything of that time other then the deep swirling pain in my chest from those times.

"Why." I looked up, not expecting her to speak so soon.

She was seated with her back to me but even so I could tell there was guilt on her face.

"When you awoke your angelic powers it makes you more like an angel, just like the rest of your powers do. More of a vampire for your vampire powers and more demon for the demon powers, you swatted that gold fire away because you were more angel and and it wouldn't hurt you as you were an angel." She didn't need to speak much for me to know what she was asking about at the moment.

"But why... Did..."

"I think you'd always going to get wings but in this situation you went against fate I think. As if you came here and snapped the chain by hand when it wasn't time so that's why they ripped your back open to emerge and vanished when you realized what was going on... You didn't summon them for any other purpose then chasing after that man... I'll teach you later how to summon the wings but your back should heal first."

"Why you?"

"I hate to admit it but you might be right. Even tho I wish for destruction, your feelings can't help but influence my own, your hate equaled my own as she fell, hate I direct at your mother was turned towards that man as losing someone I care about is something I've felt before."

She sighed quietly as I sat down, the chain had snapped after all, my arms were free, only my feet remained bound, only the dwarf and dragon chains remained, the dragon far more sturdy then the other... But right now it wasn't my main occupation.

This place was supposed to be calm and serene but this fog of pain clouded the air.

But knowing me, I couldn't say anything to alleviate the pain because it never hurts less, you just learn to live with it.

Deus' pov:

The trek through the vampiric lands turned out to be a walk in the park for me despite the few corpses of the occasional thieves I left behind in my wake.

They didn't care for a lone demon walking through their land as they were still working on their own government.

Now the elf lands were a different story all together.

I wasn't hunted nor attacked but my body just felt so heavy, so stiff and suffocated by the simple knowledge I would most likely face her parents today.

I held on the small bag with a tight grasp with both hands as I walked, eyes cast forwards as I tried pushing down all emotions and put a seal on them.

I know I'm imagining things but I almost felt the hateful judging gaze of nature itself weighing heavily on my shoulders as if I was to blame for her death.

Well... I am to blame too... Everyone is!! Mostly her!!.. Daughter of Chaos... Fitting name for someone that only brings destruction in her wake...

Imaginary voices of blame weighed on my shoulders as I passed elvish people, they just looked at me without a word, in silence... Didn't help with feeling jugged for her death.

Their eyes were just so cold.

So cold.

Why don't you attack or something?! Just stop staring!!

The elves I will never understand them, that's also what fascinated me in her... They just let me waltz onto their land and never once did one of them threaten or stop me on my way.

The only time I was stopped was at the foot of a huge tree surrounded with a wooden gate so they could have time to open it and have someone guide me to the... Throne room...

Yeah I don't think I have a heart left anymore as I walked through the hallways, wondering what memories she had made in this place she never got to share with me or anyone else, what past events she kept to herself, what future she might have had, what might have come to be but would never come...

All these guilty and shameful feelings multiplied greatly when I was met with the curious gazes of those I came too meet.

I crossed my arms in my back, grabbing on my forearms and bowed my head in respect and to have a few seconds to swallow my tears which seemed to want to make an entrance now of all times.

"It is a wonder of why a demon would come before us." I swallowed the ball in my throat as I lifted my hand and let my arms fall to my side.

"I... Was told to come here." I didn't precise that it was my heart that told me too and why... Not yet... I need to build up some courage first...

"And why so?"

"Well... I guess a reason could be to pass on that... Amata... Brought peace with the demons." Her name was like a cold chill washing over my body, I haven't said her name nor hers out loud for a long while now.

"Ah, so you know the child with which my own travels."

My throat was dry, I felt like suffocating about what I was to say.

"I-I came..." I tried but was unable to talk, words chocked to death in my throat. "I-I..." I bit my lip to hold in the tears as I slowly reached up to my neck to undo the makeshift necklace, more then sure they noticed the glimmering blue gem ring I was wearing.

I slowly undid the knot.

I hold the bag and ring in my right hand and covered all with my other, fist resting over my mouth gently as I took a big breath.

"I'm sorry." I breathed out.

"About what child?"

"I'm sorry... So so sorry... I just couldn't help her... I tried... I just... I'm sorry." And there was no stopping the tears now even tho I tried as my shoulders shook. I looked up and slowly lowered my arms a little, uncaring of wiping the tears from my face. "I-I brought her home." I whispered, grip faltering but strong enough to not drop the things.

Tho the silence was deep enough to hear a nail dropping.

It was not the most skillful execution of my plan.

Nor the most tactful.

But my point got across.

They knew she was no more.

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