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Amata's pov:

I was dressing up in newer clothes, they were still leather and all since that's demon stuff but my pants were looser around my calves with a black T-shirt, I left my jacket in Timor's hands, he seemed inseparable from it. I'm not big boned but even still it was big on him and we needed to cut up the back so the angel wings fit through comfortably.

I got guards to get him a pair of dark pants too so he at least looks a bit more demonic for the time we are in demons' land tho his hair and eyes don't help, let's hope my jacket's hood is enough.

I looked in the mirror passing my two hands in my hair before grabbing a strand and start to make my usual braids.

After the incident I had announced our soon to be departure from this place, for the kids and every one else's safety, who knows what the queen would have done if someone other I care about would have fucked up? Same punishment? A worse one? A lesser one? Completely different? Did everyone get the same treatment when offending her? I don't wish to find out.

I gathered my hair and tied it up before putting on my bag and quiver.

I have respect for the queen as a stranger to her, I can see what her rule has brought to the people and that she is strong but as an acquaintance of mine I hold no respect for her actions, she agreed to peace and yet is unwilling to free a child from him torture just because he is something opposite to her people.

I sighed and traced the wolf claw scar on my face before my finger tips ghosted over the red whisker markings on my cheeks, remembering simpler times when I didn't know about this whole reason why I was ever made in the first place. I wonder how my life would be than, together happy with my father, who knows I might have met a nice girl in the village, fallen in love and lived my life as a normal person in the middle of all this war before it reached us, destroying the life we built together.

I glared into the mirror and grabbed the edges of the commode it was mounted upon. I mustn't falter from my given goal, I mustn't give up no matter what because there are people I know in the village and people I know nothing about somewhere in the world and afraid of that future, of the chance of happiness to be robbed of them if I fail... If my suffering is the cost for the people's peace I will keep going... One life in exchange for tens of hundreds of thousands or more lives... It is all worth.

I let my head hang, staring at the grain of the wood before a darker dot appeared on light wood followed by another and another.

I took a deep breath through my nose, trying to control my breathing even if a sniffle sometimes shook my shoulders a bit as the dots continued to spread as more water dripped from my eyes.

I don't wanna do this... I just was a normal life, without all this pain, what did I do to be worth be hurt this much? I was born that's what... No I wasn't even born, I was pulled out of nothingness into everything. 

Why couldn't this burden have been spread across several people? Why must I be the only one of me that is alive?

I shoved the cold ethereal touch away from me, I do not wish your comfort mother, you made me this way, you left me alone, yeah you gave me Frigus but I was supposed to make this journey alone! I was to suffer this alone!

'Like it or not you will never be alone...'

I looked up at the mirror, as if hoping I would see her face instead of mine but this didn't happen.

'You always tell me you are glad you aren't alone. Hell, you even love being here with you, you and I are the same remember? Even your friends are here... Now my plans haven't changed and I still hate your mother and such but in that temple the monks did say you changed the path but not the goal of your destiny so you can't say you are destined to be alone anymore since that was a path you didn't take.'

'You are confusing.'

'Okay than... I'll blunt instead... You are a fucking idiot for thinking you are alone when there are literally people doing this with you and ready to suffer with you and your mother is a bitch!'

'Jeez no need to get mad...'

I sighed and shook myself out, drying my face before I left the room.


A chill ran up my back when I entered the throne room again but this time no darkness clouded the room whatsoever and those I know where there too.

I stopped in the front of the group of people that parted to let me though, a familiar hand weaved itself in my hold and interlocked our fingers.
I didn't doubt who it could belong too and squeezed her hand reassuringly that nothing would happen.

"You put clothes on our backs and food in our bags, we shall take our leave." I solemnly said with a neutral expression, emotions bubbling on the inside.

The queen nodded her head slowly in acknowledgement of my words.

"We shall not meet until peace is a thing of the present and war is of the past daughter of chaos." she said back and I gave the same answer as she did back.

"You shall see an eagle bringing the news to your doors when the angels have followed the other races into peace."

"It won't be an easy feat."

"I've lead an army to war, killed guides, I freed minds of myths, visited another world and stood up when you knocked me down... But moreover I made a promise... A promise that I wouldn't fail and would bring peace... Even if I wanted too I can't back down now as all those that I've met believe in a chance of peace... I can't back down now that some broken souls have hope again... If one soul must suffer for the good of all... Than I shall pay the price..."

"So be it... No demon will stand in your way or oppose you on your journey, you are the hope of the world and I shall believe it whole heatedly, you proved your strength in a battle no one could have won but you... I have been bested at my own game and if I can't win you are our only chance at this."

"I don't break promises."

"Leave and be on your way... Us demons will be waiting."

I felt her hand slip from mine as I stepped forwards and bowed but just enough to not break eye contact, acknowledging her as a queen but not worthy of the respect I directed at her when we first met.

She bowed her head with eyes closed, accepting my bow and with that, I turned away and walked out of the room, others on my tail.

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