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Aura's pov:

"Let me fucking go!" I punched her in the face but my legs were completely wrapped up in ropes so that didn't get me far and I was shoved to the ground as I tried to free my legs since I freed my hands.

"Oh you will suffer for so long Custos." She spat at me and I almost said my name is Aura by reflex but bit my tongue, I can't let her know the truth, Custos needs to make it out if I don't, I would never forgive myself if Amata ended up broken. "Wasn't losing who you are enough?! You need more huh?!"

I didn't mean too but froze at her words as my hands went up to my rounded down ears, the wound fresh and stinging, covering my hands in blood as tears forced their way out of my eyes, this was the one time I wish I hadn't left my home and remained with my parents, this wouldn't have happened.

I felt a steely grip on my arm which yanked me forth and a knee met with my forearm, snapping the bones.

I laying on the ground, screaming as I hugged my broken arm against me.

"This is nothing Custos~ this is nothing~."

"Hey Aura? are you alright?" I snapped out of my thoughts at the question and looked up.

"I'm fine guys, just tired." The others had joined us at the table and the dragons went to Amata again like they always are, Viridi around her neck and Frigus between Viridi and her neck.

"You should go sleep then." Fortis pointed out and I sighed, finishing my drink.

"I think I will do that." I said standing up. "Well see you later."


"See yah."


I sighed as I walked away and up the stairs to the floor with my room.

Entering I was met with eyes staring back at me, blond hair in disarray and rounded ears. 

I glared into the mirror that was hung on the wall right in front of the door and walked to it, slamming my hand against the wall on each side of it as I glared into my reflection's angry yet hurt eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that!!" I yelled and headbutted the mirror, eyes closed and kept it there against the now broken mirror, listening to the shards falling onto the ground at my feet before opening my eyes and glaring, feeling blood roll down my face.

I sighed and walked to the closet and pulled out the broom and cleaned up the mess before cleaning myself up, it was just a little cut so it quickly stopped bleeding.

I sat on the bed and put my elbows on my knees, hands over my ears as I looked down at the ground.

What is an elf without ears? Someone really pretty from whatever race, I never thought I was so attached to be seen as elf until I lost what made me look like one... I lost what made me an elf, I'm no better then those mages, I fit the insult, I fit the human title... Such a gross title that that is...

"I knew you weren't tried." I dropped my hand from my ears and looked up.

"You again?"

"Now now don't be an ass Aura."

"I'll be an ass whenever I wish to Deus." I said her name in the same tone she said mine in a little mockery but she just chuckled, being leaned against the open door's frame with her arms cross. "I should have closed the door."

"You should if you didn't want someone to come after you." She stepped inside and closed it using her foot, I put my hand under my chin to hold up my head.

"What are you doing here?"

"Stupid question, you don't want to speak to the others so I will speak with you."

"Stupid reason."

"Who other then me knows it's your ears that have you like this?" I said nothing biting the inside of my cheek. "Exactly."

"Get out." I spat.

"Aura they don't make you who you are."

"Get you Deus now."

"I won't."

"Get out!!!" I yelled irritated, a silent spell making the crawling vines around my hand grow and reach to try to grab her to get her out but I was blinded by flames for a second.

"Plants against fire, Aura you won't win this." I glared as the vines pulled back to hold my arms against.

She sighed when I remained silent and walked closer.

"Aura trust me, all your friends are with you, Amata carries the weight of the literal world but you guys help so why won't you let them help you."

I leaned back to lay on the bed and stare at the ceiling.

"They don't know how this feels, no one does."

"Aura!" I felt her hands on my knees and I looked at her, she had a glare in her eyes.

"What will you go saying there is someone? Who?" I sat up so we were face to face but no one moved.

"Aura what is Dea?"

"She has nothing to do with thi--" "Just answer the question."

"... Dragonoid, a demon that takes up the shape of a two legged dragon with it's abilities."

"Right okay so we aren't family but we are a clan, that same type of demon usually make small clans to stick around and breed the same type of demons." She stood up and turned away starting to take off the leather armor uptop with her back to me. "I didn't inherit that form unlike her but I have flames like those of a dragon, burning bright and hot, melting steel and rock... that wasn't the only thing I had, yes had, in the past..." I stood up when she took off all but didn't face me and let me look at the two vertical scars on her back.

"What happened?" I asked softly, brushing my fingers over them before pulling them away as her shoulders jerked up a little. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

"Does it... Hurt?"

"Yeah, constantly, ever since I lost my wings."

"How did that happen?"

"In clans, they choose someone to lead, to be the people that keep peace so the clan can survive, being a child from that branch you have a lot of weight put on your at an early age, the clan lived in the clouds."

"The clouds?!"

"Yes well that's an exaggeration, it was on top of a volcano that was spiting smoke but nothing else so the sky was always filled with clouds not far above our heads, there were rules and the most scared one was never reveal where we were to others or kill them after... I helped a girls hurt after she was travelling with her people and I guess I let it slip before leaving her to her people... My home was attacked, they were easily killed and none of use died but I had to face consequence for my stupidity."


"They took my wings and kicked me out of the village that the clan had become, I tried climbing back up because if I found a way I would be let back in, such was another rule, if I could get back up by my own my faults would be forgiven but well I failed more time then I have counted, without wings it is impossible to get up there but I refused the accept it for a long long time, Dea was the one to convince me I should accept my new situation and move on..." She pulled away to get dressed again. "Aura at the start I wasn't anything without my wings but that was in the past, I got over it so you can do the same for your ears."

I said nothing but well I knew she was right.

"Well I'll leave you too slee--" "Wait." I stopped her. "I... Don't think I can sleep right now, lets talk a little?"

"A few minutes ago you were throwing me out the door now want me to stay?"

"... Yeah."

"You are weird." She chuckled. "Of course I'll stay." She smiled and I couldn't help but do too.

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