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Amata's pov:

I... Am not sure if I like it. 

This house was alright that's not what I meant, it even amazed me that a tree made this itself with elven magic, a stairs case up its trunk and a whole house up in the air all while the house hung over a river.

I stood on the balcony and looked at the river and forest, it was so pretty. I walked in the small cozy living room, letting the deep green curtain cover to view. it was one house for each one of us but on the same tree, all the trees here had such a wide and strong trunk and reached up so far in the sky.

What bothered me is that I needed to wear something called a dress for this dinner, I had never in my life wore something like this and despite having have seen other women in this it wasn't something I wished even try on but I can't upset the queen can I?

I frowned a bit at the mirror, hoping this won't be something I must wear as long as I am here and can have normal clothes, at least they didn't force shoes onto me, I had never worn in my life.

I frowned a bit at the mirror, hoping this won't be something I must wear as long as I am here and can have normal clothes, at least they didn't force shoes onto me, I had never worn in my life

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I heard a small knock on the door and opened.


"Hi Aura."

"Come on the others are already waiting." She also didn't seem that happy about being in a dress.

" She also didn't seem that happy about being in a dress

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"It looks good on you." She said as I followed her down the stairs and messed with the neckline that was way too low, I'm a wolf and I don't really care what I show off yeah but this is a bit much.

"Thanks, you too." She guided me to the castle and in a big room where multiple people were sitting around a huge table with mostly meatless dishes on the table.

"Good to see you joining us child of the all mother."

"If I may say my queen, I prefer my name over any title you can give to me." I said, sitting down next to Custos with Aura on my other side and she sat right by her mother... Dammit you Custos! Why couldn't I have something like you are wearing?

"Very well, after our evening meal will you please follow me to my studies to fill me in on few of my questions?"

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"Very well, after our evening meal will you please follow me to my studies to fill me in on few of my questions?"

"Gladly." I glanced at Fortis and even he had better clothing then me.

" I glanced at Fortis and even he had better clothing then me

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Well... We ate, us wolves took a bit more from the meaty foods but the fruit and vegetable meals weren't all that bad either. 

It was soon over and I bid goodnight to all and followed the queen, stepping in the room she whispered something in Latin, I think it was 'bring clarity to my eyes' or something, my Latin really rusty. I stared in awe as crystals I once though were just decorations in the wooden walls started to glow a calm green.

"Amata, I wish to know more about you." I looked away from the walls and at the queen who sat in an armchair. "I assume you knew were and elven connection was dissolved when you took down the precedent ruler of your people."


"Then why is you here?"

"I to--" "Yes you did tell me about your destiny but why are you here?"

"I... I decided to come here after I trained the next queen to be able to make the people think she can beat me and it wasn't a hoax. I am to bring peace by either destroying the world or kindly helping out each kingdom, the were-creatures pulled back from the war under my rule and I know Harmonia would never go back to it. I am here to ask the elves to retract their armies and stop this mindless bloodshed, you can keep your land safe but not endanger guilty or innocent people of the other nations."

"And you think the vampires would just drop all war against us?"

"No I said you can defend yourself but not conquer, I will travel over to all nations to make the war cease."

"You think their will truly be peace after that?"

"Yes I'm confident since that's my destiny and why I was put on their world."

"Very well I trust your judgement, I will call my troupes back but if you fail to bring us peace I'll have your head for the loss we'll have to endure."

"Then so be it, it's my life's purpose to bring peace, if I fail I have no purpose."

"Very good... So now, I wish to know about your abilities? To know what we are dealing with."

"As I said before I was gifted by Invisus or Ira as someone called her, she is chained up in my mind, seven chains for the seven races, the wolf's chain snapped and now I have these markings on my face as a prove of what was put in motion, since the chain snapped I can change in a hybrid, wolf ears, tail and claws, my fangs get longer and more markings appear and my overall body strength, speed and all that increases but I still have this body."

"So you are saying you have powers to set free that are locked away, with each freed, the wrath sealed inside you gets closer and closer the surface?"

"In other words yes."

"..." She was quiet for a while but I said nothing, elves are quite patient people. "I'll assign you a teacher, you will stay for a while I assume or at least until I can tell all about the plan of falling back and returning home at the celebration, you need to learn about our culture and habits, you'll need all the strength you can get and we'll see how that can be achieved."

"Of course my queen."

"Call me Nix please, I'm the one who should address you with respect as you are higher on the hierarchy then any monarch of this world, you can fall back to your tree home, I got all I wanted for now."

"It's an honor to help." I bowed a little and left.

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