The Unseen Casualties

Start from the beginning

I looked at the others; they were just as surprised as me. Carter's hood was off; maybe he was tired of covering his face. "What did you say to them?" as I looked at Zosley, he then said, 'I said we are here to help.' I look down at the kids. They could not have been older than 14. It was only about four kids. The rest were lynched; they didn't want to fight, so they were to be executed. "Ask them who did this." I clenched my weapon so tight I felt it shaking, I was going to kill the fucker for this. 'Corporal, are you okay?' I looked at Private Carter he saw my anger all over me in the dimly lit butcher shop. "No," I said in a calm voice. I looked at Carter; it was about time he fed. I knew he needed to feed, but we would do that later.

It was still bright, but it was getting late. Two of the kids look to be twins. They both had blue eyes and blonde hair. They look different in their rights; one was slightly taller than the other. One sport at a parted smooth flat top, while the other had an off-centered slick pull back. They look like they were the youngest of the group. They both had baby faces, but box faces, but with round chins, they were around 12 years old. Just what was promised to these kids to make them join? Then there were the other two. One was a girl; one was a boy. The girl looked to be the oldest; she was the second tallest. She had grey eyes and was a brunette. Her face was round but had a slightly sharp chin. She was still growing she looked to be about 15, why were all of these kids here? Then there was the one beside her, the last one. He was of medium height he was the same as the height the shorter twin. He had red hair and blue eyes; he also had freckles. His hair was curly, and he was skinny, too skinny, and he looked malnourished. He had a round face with a sharp chin. All the kids had the look of warriors on their faces. They had seen the war for what it was they had seen some of their close friends getting lynched and shot for turning down fighting in this war. I can only imagine the things they had to say. They all hate dark SS uniforms. I knew the war for them was going by badly. It couldn't have been this bad, could it?

Their uniforms were barely their size; some were even oversized. They did not know how to take care of them, judging from how they looked. One of the children also had long sleeves; they couldn't fit their arms. They indeed rushed these kids out in a hurry.

We went outside to scout ahead we needed to see what else was there I left John and Zosley to talk to the children. I think I heard the kids saying something about them being hungry. I'm hungry ( Ich habe Hunger). I hadn't taken too much time talking to them or even bothered looking at them. I was focusing on information. We needed all the information they had at the same time he needed to feed. I was getting tired of it, but I had to let it happen for a while longer. I need to wait until we get to Lilith. She would know what to do with him. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to stay with her. That woman was more than a human being, but a lot less than us in the same aspect. I trust a lot of my teammates; I have seen them on the battlefield. There are some things that soldiers do that most will never understand.

We keep a level head, we enjoy our food as if it's the last thing on earth no matter how nasty it could be, and we also check our guns, some of us even smoke. I had seen John do none of that. War was something no human mind could cope with or understand. I hope his mind doesn't break. I've noticed that plenty of times. Though that's not something, I got from him.

"Carter, what else did you see when that vampire decided to attack you all?" When we got to a secluded place, I got ready to make a new cut. Before he would bite me this time, he looked down guilty for a second and said, 'I was scared shitless.' I damn near pissed myself. He dropped his head even further, almost like a child who had done something wrong. ' Joseph kept his cool until he collapsed to his knees in fear. We saw the kraut in that black uniform murder a few soldiers with his bare hands. He was so fast it was unnatural. We couldn't even shoot. 'His eyes were watering with blood.

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