25- Moving Out

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Anabia's POV:-

Allah never burdens a soul beyond that it can bear.

"I am strong. Yes HE is testing me and Insha'Allah I will never fail myself. Because I believe in HIM. I believe that HE will help me always. He helped me when I was surrounded by darkness and now that I am in light or at least coming towards it how is it possible that HE'LL leave me. Allah will never leave me. Never ever."

I was reading QUR'AN. It always relax me. There is so depth in every single word written that no one can ever reach it. It will always help us. Will always guide us towards the success, towards the light.

My tears were falling on my hands. For abandoning the religion that lead me towards nothing but light. That gave me a family, that gave me the love of a mother. That made me who I am today.

Some months ago if anyone told me that one day I will be wearing full sleeved clothes with covering my hair and staying away from every possible thing that can lead me towards destruction, I would've laughed.

But here am I today, wearing a full sleeves knee length shirt with trousers and having a scarf wrapped neatly around my head. Islam made me much more beautiful and modest that I ever thought I could be. People look at me with different eyes, yes some of them showed a bit of hatred but Sophie and Danny got that covered for me. And reading QUR'AN helped me going through the verbal bullying. I maintained safe distance from Danny as we were really close. And now everyday I feel like going towards the better.

Maa and Arslan are helping me alot. She taught me how to pray and how to read Arabic. The language I fell in love with because of its eloquence. Arslan helps me everyday with every small detail about our religion, it's like I am living my childhood again, they are taking good care of me and I am happy. I am happy that atleast I am trying to walk on the path which is the best.

Mom said that the meaning of my name is The door of heaven. And now I want to be one for my family.

HE never ever abandons us, even when our shadow leaves us HE'S the one standing right behind us to protect us, like a mother. HE loves his men more than a mother loves her children and it is 70 times more. Islam and QUR'AN keeps me going ; even through this situation.

I am going back to my apartment today and I am strong. I will handle all of this because I have faith that HE is watching me and HE'LL never leave me alone.

After reciting QUR'AN, I started packing my things and suddenly I remembered the day Arslan came to rescue me from Wasif. He saved me from that man. If he hadn't come who knows what could've happened.

Arslan is the kind of boy every mother wishes to have. He is mature, intelligent, caring just like Asfand. Asfi promised me to be with me in my sad and dark times, I wonder if Arslan is the replacement. Maybe he came in my life because Asfi promised to be with me but sadly he cannot.

They are similar but Asfi was never curious about anything and that day Arslan really was ,about him. He asked like a detective. Like he was digging into something. And I realized one thing that their hair colour is same. Sometimes while talking to him feels like talking to Asfand.

"But there's no connection in them right. So stop thinking this crap Anabia." I laughed at my own stupidity.

Why do people leave? I wish he was here with me. I wish he could see me in this scarf, because he once said me that I will look the most beautiful girl in this world if I cover my hair in a scarf.

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