In Four Months Time

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"I have like three friends and one of them is you. Just invite me to your house!" Niall started laughing because my voice had risen.

"Okay! Okay! Come over to my house Friday." i was about to open my mouth and protest because Zayn wanted to hang out after school but i snapped it shut.

"I'll tell Zayn then." i replied slowly. Niall rolled his eyes and he took me home with him that Friday. "Holy mother of.. You live here!" i demanded staring up at the big white beautiful house.

"Yeah.." Niall says slowly parking the car and getting out pulling his bag from the back.

"Shit now I'm embarrassed for taking you to my house." i mumble getting out and staring at it wide eyed.

"I like your house!" Niall protests.

"You like my house when you have all of this!" i shout gesturing toward his property. Niall shrugs.

"It's a big, empty house. I would take your small, empty house over this." i can feel some underlying emotions their but i try not to dwell on it. "

Would you like a trade? My life for yours?" Niall continues to laugh and leads me up the elaborate walkway to his front door.

"I'm home Ms. Guerra!" Niall shouts as soon as we step through the threshold.

"Guerra?" i repeat.

"Housemaid. She gets frightened if you don't announce your presence." just then a lady dressed in simple clothes with short curly hair and tan skin comes around the corner.

"Oh Mister Horan!" she cries out gasping a little when she sees me. "Is this your pretty girlfriend?" i blush red and try not to smile at her thick accent.

"No, no she's a friend. Come on." he gestures for me to follow him up the stairs.

"If you kids are going to go have fun make sure you use protection!" she shouts up after us.

"Oh my god." i mumbled hanging my head and shooting up the stairs past Niall who can't stop laughing. His bedroom was fantastic. It was just cleaned too, according to Niall.

"Usually my shit is all over the place." he mutters glancing at the clean floor and neatly stacked books. His room wasn't how i pictured. He had old worn out band posters for people I've never heard off plastered to his wall. There's a wide bookshelf off to one side next to a table with a desktop computer sitting on it and wheelie chair in front. He has a TV on one wall, a bed against another, an adjoining bathroom, and a walk in closet.

"Wow. Your whole room is probably bigger than my house." Niall scoffs.

"It's not that big." he says flopping down onto the mattress of what i can only presume is a king sized bed.

"Hell yeah it's big." Niall smirks as i kick off my shoes and jump up next to him sitting cross legged. "What?" i question seeing the smirk on his face.

"To anyone else it would sound like you were talking about my dick." i blushed hard and started hitting his chest.

"God Niall!" i cry out shoving him away. He turns around onto his stomach laughing his ass off. When he stops he's wiping away tears at the corners of his eyes. I sigh and drop my head down onto his quilt stretching out.

"So how are you and Zayn?" Niall asks scooting closer to me and propping himself up so he can look down at me. I scoff.

"You said i spend too much time with him now you want me to talk about him?" i demand. Niall laughs.

"It's your relationship too not just his. I'm interested. Come on tell me." he says nudging my arm. I sigh and wrinkle my nose at him before replying.

"We're okay i guess. I dunno know." He nods slowly.

"Almost four months ya?" i sit up and stare at him.

"You know?" i question arching an eyebrow.

"Yeah it's the first of the month, your guys anniversary. Hard to miss." i purse my lips and furrow my eyebrows. Oh yeah. Niall chuckles. "What are you going to get him. It's official after then yeah? You two will be an item?" i scowl at him and shrug.

"I don't know." i reply sitting up and dropping my hands in my lap.

"You plannin on breakin up with him or something?" Niall questions sitting up.

"No.. I don't know!" i cry out.

"Well what's the problem?" i sigh.

"Zayn." Niall starts laughing.

"Zayn is the problem with your relationship. I think you have your answer." i groan and stand up.

"It's not like that it's.. He's just so.. You know." Niall chuckles.

"I don't know actually." i make a face at him.

"He's nice to me now. It's weird." Niall scrunches up his face in confusion.

"So everything is going fine but you're freaking out because he's nice to you." he knows what i mean he's just screwing with me now.

"You know what i mean Niall." i growl turning away from him. Niall sighs.

"You shouldn't go to far into it Emma. Everything's fine. Your relationship is good. Don't fret." But i was fretting. I've noticed a change in Zayn since he slapped me. He completely stopped talking to Harry and Louis. You'd think that would make me happy, excited even that he was no longer socializing with them. Instead it made me anxious. They would glare at us as we walked down the hall or around the quad. It was like Harry was trying to tug on that invisible string i know, he knows has still tied to Zayn's back. Zayn also seems a lot more cautious now around me, like he expects me to break or lash out at him again for slapping me. I've thought about actually doing it some time, especially when we argue about stupid things like what to watch on TV or what we should eat for dinner. I always want my comeback to be,

"Well you slapped me so just let me choose!" but i know if i do that his face will fall and he'd get so upset and probably won't talk to me and he'd sit there in total silence like a kicked puppy and while i would love to hurt him as bad as he hurt me all those times before, I'm not a bitch.

"Hey." i jump about two feet in the air when i hear Harry's voice behind me. It's after school. Zayn wasn't here today. He'd caught a nasty flu and had bee out for the past two days. Liam and Niall were doing their best to keep Harry and Louis away from me but they couldn't be there all the time. I already had a giant bruise forming on my upper arm and thigh and scraps on my knees from when Harry shoved me to the ground. Thankfully long sleeves and pants were covering up the damage. Zayn usually takes me home now-a-days and while Liam and Niall both offered to take me home today i had a project to do with some girl in my art class. We had to draw each other. Our teacher told us about the project that Monday and Zayn and i smiled at each other in confirmation that we would draw each other. I knew exactly how i would do it too. then Zayn got sick and i had to pair up with somebody else. To say the least, it sucked. I had forgotten my drawing pad and had run back to my locker to grab it. I was hoping Harry had already left. Unfortunately he hadn't.

"God Harry what do you want from me?" i asked turning around and touching my chest.

"Nothing." he said with a wide smile. I stared at him and tried to walk away but he kept sidestepping me and standing in my way.

"I thought you were actually human for a bit ya know." i muttered glaring at the dirty floor.

"Human? Me?" he scoffed. I sighed and shook my head.

"Apparently i was wrong." i replied pushing past him, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him.

"Who said you could walk away?" he demanded darkly.

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