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(Hoseok's POV)

I stood in Jimin's bathroom, after I said yes he eagerly said he had everything at his house. I stood nervously, placing my hand on the door lever.

(Jungkook's POV)

"Jungkook, listen to meeee."

        "Okay, just one more second~" I whined, trying to look around him to the TV. I was in the middle of a Deathmatch on overwatch and I needed one more point to win!

      "You've been playing for 3 hours." Taehyung flopped onto the bed, my eyes not leaving the game.

        "Two more seconds." I promised, I killed one last person before the TV sounded 'Match complete'

        I turned off the game, looking toward Taehyung who rested his arms on his knees, looking back at me.

        "You ready to do this now?" He bit his lip as I nodded nervously.

        "You have to stay here, I'll change in the bathroom." I replied taking the big bag off of the bed. Taehyung's eyes didn't leave me as I shuffled into the bathroom, my heart beating quickly.

       Black pleated skirt that probably wouldn't even reach my mid thigh, which Taehyung picked. A pink sweater which I picked. I put on my socks and the rest of the outfit. Taehyung even picked out this pink collar, but I definitely wasn't wearing that outside, even if we were going to a lgbt+ club. There were drag shows and several other events happening tonight alone so it was supposed to be judgment free. But I'm still never wearing that collar. I opted for my ear piercings instead.

I was already uncomfortable wearing the skirt which Taehyung told me I didn't have to wear if I wasn't happy with it but I know he really likes these things so I'll try.

I put my hand on the bathroom door, opening it only enough so I could stick my head out. Taehyung's naked back was facing me, his hands in his jean pockets, over looking his closet. He wore ripped black jeans that clung to his body well. At the sound of the door opening he turned to me, so obviously holding back a smile.

"You can't say anything." I instructed, nervous to come out and show him.


"Can't say anything! Or else I'm taking it off." I glared at him as he laughed softly, eventually nodding.

I stepped out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I had put on a little bit of makeup, this eye stuff that I stole from Jin and that he taught me how to use. And lip stuff, I didn't know what any of it was called but I...kind of liked the way it looked. The way I looked.

Taehyung was staring at me. All of me. I shifted under his gaze, messing with my fingers. He didn't go against his word, he didn't say anything.

"C-can you help me pick out a shirt?" He tore his eyes away from me, looking back at his closet. I made my way over to him, picking out a white shirt and a pink jacket that kind of matched my outfit. When looking back at him I realized he was wearing his lip piercing. "Thanks."

I grabbed my phone and keys while he got fully dressed. I was about to open the room door when his arms wrapped around my waist, pressing back into his chest. I could feel his breath on my neck as he whispered,

"Can I just say one thing?"

       "Fine, one thing." I smiled, resting my hands on his.

       "You look きれいな (Key-deh-ee-nah)." Taehyung said the last word in a different language,

        "What does that mean?"

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