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(Jungkook's POV)

I peeked over the crate to see three men standing in front of Yoongi and Taehyung. They all had visible guns on them. And the guy in front seemed slightly familiar, but before I could tell from where before I was being yanked down.

"Part of hiding is trying not to be seen." Jimin scolded quietly.

"This is everything?" One of the voices asked, sounding more like a statement than question.

"Go ahead and check." Yoongi responded, footsteps sounding in the quiet building afterwards.

"How've you been guys? I haven't stopped by the club in a while." An overly chirpy voice, considering the situation, spoke. "And you haven't come to say hi at the shop."

"Take the shit and go, we don't have time for small talk." Yoongi scoffed, which didn't seem like a good idea when they were outnumbered. I peeked over the crate again and realized where I knew one of the men from.

Jaebum had taken me to a tattoo shop and told me to sit while he talked to someone. The guy behind the counter kept staring at me. I approached him to ask why and when Jaebum came out immediately dragged me out of the shop.

      (That night)

        "I was only talking-" Jaebum cut me off with his look, his eyes angry. Is it that big of a deal? His eyes softened a bit when seeing my expression, he sighed, leading us back in the way we came.

      "I'm sorry, alright? But didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" He asked, sticking his hands into his jacket pockets. "People, especially that guy are dangerous." Jaebum spoke, looking at the sidewalk as we walked.

      "Why? Who is he?" I tried to make eye contact with him but he avoided my gaze.

      "Nobody, let's go back to the club, okay?" He continued walking, leaving no room for questions.


      Nobody? Seems like somebody- Jimin yanked me down again and my foot hit the crate making a small sound. But unfortunately everything echoed in this room. Jimin and I froze in fear, hoping somehow that it wasn't heard.

      (Taehyung's POV)

      "Do you have the money?" Yoongi asked as one of the men finished checking the crates.

      Jaemin nodded to one of his men, who left momentarily and came back with two suitcases.

      "Go ahead and check." Jaemin repeated Yoongi's earlier statement. Just as he was about to move an odd sound caught everyone's attention.

       In a matter of seconds all three men had their guns out and pointed at us as we did the same.

       "Was this a fucking trap? Is someone back there?" Jaemin's nonchalant attitude turned to an infuriated one, he looked between Yoongi and I as his gun pointed at my head.

       "No, this place has rats, calm the fuck down." Yoongi sounded as if he was irritated that Jaemin would even ask such I thing. I knew in reality that his heart was pounding fast just like mine. I silently prayed that Jungkook or Jimin didn't make another sound.

       "Go see what kind of rats we're talking about." Jaemin nodded to his men, his tone indicating he didn't believe us. I began to panic as one of his men took a step towards the back.

      I was thinking of what to do logically, but of course Yoongi picks violence. So when the gun shot rang out I wasn't surprised to see one of Jaemin's men on the ground.

     Yoongi ran to the fallen man. He always shot them in the legs first and while they were down he'd take their weapons. Depending on the person he'd shoot again. No killing unless absolutely necessary.

       Jaemin shot at him but he dodged it as I ran for the other man. He began to point his gun at me but I was two steps ahead, so I shot.

       Expectation: I shoot him in the leg, he falls and I take the opportunity to disable him. Knocking him out if necessary, then going for Jaemin who was still shooting between me and Yoongi.

        Reality: I haven't shot a gun for years. So wherever I was aiming for, well...that's not where the bullet landed. It went to the wall as the man slightly turned. Idiot, letting your guard down.

        I sprinted to him, my gun hitting him, making a loud impact with his skull. He dropped his gun on accident, and I kicked it away from him. He lunged for my neck, the weight making me fall to the ground, him right on top of me, my gun sliding inches away. He was taller than me, heavier than me, I couldn't exactly pushed him off. So I did the next best thing and kicked him in the balls, as hard as I could.

       He loosened his grip slightly as his face contorted in pain. I took the moment to slide form under him, and grab my gun. I heard a gun shot, one from either Jaemin or Yoongi, I don't have time to look. Before I could do anything the man was up, his hand around my neck again, pushing me into the wall. He banged my head against it, my vision going blurry for a second.

       Don't stop moving, Jungkook's in danger. Jimin too, focus on that. The man was obviously stupid because he didn't take my gun away from me before trying to strangle me. I struggled to lift my arm but managed to shoot his foot, the bullet ricocheting to the wall.

       He screamed, letting go of my once again. I used the gun to strike him in the face. His nose immediately started spouting blood like a fountain. I took a few steps back and grabbed his gun but he limped for me with his good leg. He was loosing a lot of blood already but I had to think of the fact there were two unarmed untrained innocents in the back. So I shot him in the thigh on his good leg. Watching as he fell to the ground. There's a high chance he might die now, but I have to keep my priorities in tact.

       I turned to Yoongi who was on top of the other man, who had finally stopped struggling. Was he passed out or dead? I figured I didn't want to know as Yoongi stood up, blood on his clothes.

        "Where's Jaemin?" I asked my eyes going to the door but it was unopened. We made eye contact for a millisecond before we were both running to where Jungkook and Jimin were hiding.

        My heart was pounding in my ears as I couldn't seem to get there fast enough, because I heard a scream. I put every bit of effort into my feet finally reaching the back where there was a gun to Jungkook's head and Jimin wrist was in Jaemin's hand. The scream had been from Jimin.

        "Took you two a while to get here." Jaemin smiled, I looked at Jungkook who was looking at me, pure fear in his eyes. I looked at Jimin who had tears streaming down his face. "Broke this ones wrist," Jaemin squeezed Jimin's wrist again and I heard the crack as he screamed.

       I pointed my gun at Jaemin.

       "You sick bastard, they didn't do anything." Yoongi yelled, his gun being pointed at the same person. My heart dropped when I heard Jimin whimper, I couldn't imagine his pain.

        "You can take your damn drugs and go." I tried to stay calm as he cocked the gun.

         "Which one do you like the best." Jaemin's smile only grew as he looked at us. Yoongi moved and Jaemin immediately pointed his gun at him. I glanced at Yoongi who nodded at me.

       He was telling me to shoot Jaemin, even if it meant him getting shot.

       "You're really sick you know that?" Yoongi grabbed his attention while I looked at Jungkook.

        'His leg' I mouthed to him as he furrowed his eyebrows. 'Hit it' I mouthed as he seemed to make sense of my words.

       I cocked my gun and shot at Jaemin, hoping my aim could be accurate just this once.  His gun went off at the same time as he fell to the ground.

I heard Yoongi yell at the same time Jimin screamed.

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