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(Taehyung's POV)

I stared at my phone is despair. Despair turning to irritation. Irritation turning to anger and then back to despair. The evil emotion cycle was starting to annoy me.

Anger at myself, did I go to far to fast? Jungkook's obviously a teen who hasn't come to terms with his sexuality. I shouldn't have pushed him like that. But he was definitely gay, or at least Bisexual or Pan...just not straight.

But he had kissed me back and has been avoiding me since. He won't answer any of my texts, I just want to talk. Jungkook has made my heart flutter and made me smile more than I have in the past months in a matter of days. I don't want to lose him, even though I can't explain why I got so attached so quickly.

I stared at the texts I had sent him. Another notification popping at the top of my screen.

Lovely Step Mother: Good evening Sweetheart! Have you eaten?

She texted or called me everyday even though we've only met in person about two times. But she for some reason still treats me more like a son then my own father. Who practically disowned me when I told him I was gay. He completely lost it when he found out my profession.

My father when he got remarried warned me to stay away from his new family. Which hurt, but I guess it was for the best. But his wife...my step mom I guess, she made the effort to get to know me, to care for me.

Me: Good evening, and yes I've eaten

Lovely Step Mother: That's good❤️. I'll be coming with your step-brother around 6.

Shit! Shit! Fucking hell!

I completely forgot. A few weeks ago she had asked, practically begged if her son could stay with me for two months while she goes on a 'honeymoon' with my father. I couldn't say no to her, but now...

I can't have a little kid in my house for two months! What's he going to do all day? What if he tears up my house?! Am I expected to get a babysitter while I'm not here? Or is he self reliant?

Me: Okay! Looking forward to meeting him

Dead lie. This was horrible.

He's probably going to be annoying as fuck, but I already agreed. There's no backing down now.

(Jungkook's POV)

"Be good. Obey him, he's your hyung. Don't mess anything up, try to-"

"Mom I know how to behave." I said as she went over the rules for the twelfth time. She nodded reluctantly, turning into a wealthy looking neighborhood. "Woah, he lives here?" My eyes widened at the big houses. This was the rich part of town.

"Yep! He's a very successful dancer." She said proudly. Earlier she told me a whole bunch of random facts about him, I didn't know she had been in constant communication with him.

What if he's bossy? What if he hates me and treats me horribly? Best case scenario: he doesn't really care and is barely ever home. Act as if the other doesn't exist or possibly become friends...but I doubt that will happen.

"We're here!" My mother was overly excited for this. I looked up, whistling at the sight of the huge house, not quite mansion size but pretty much that big.

I got out of the car, going to the trunk to retrieve my two suitcases. My mother was happily walking up the driveway, making her way to the door. I reluctantly followed behind her, her fingers pressing the doorbell.

The door opened and my mouth fell open.

"Taehyung! How are you?" She hugged him tightly, the older male not yet seeing me.

"I'm well, and you?" His husky voice sounded as if he had just woken up, his red hair very messy.

"I'm wonderful. Oh! This is my son, Jungkook!" She smiled looking at me. "Jungkook, Taehyung. Taehyung, Jungkook."

I gulped as Taehyung's eyes widened. He's my fucking step-brother?!

My step brother is a stripperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon