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^^picture related to something in the chapter, can you see the difference?

(Jungkook's POV)

"Can I get 2 20 piece chicken nuggets and 4 fries."




"Umm, 4 medium fountain drinks." Taehyung looked back at us each time as we pointed to what we wanted. After about 10 minuets we were seated at a booth, food and drinks being divided.

"I don't understand how one person can eat so many chicken nuggets." Yoongi mumbled as Hoseok and I eagerly divided the nuggets, of course giving ourselves more even though it divided evenly.

"If you want to be in a relationship with me you have to respect my relationship with food. We have a very deep connection." Hoseok smiled stealing some of his fries. Yoongi just rolled his eyes taking a sip of his coke.

"How did you two meet?" Taehyung asked, I eventually realized he was talking to Hoseok and I.

"Oh can I say it!?" Hoseok asked eagerly making me laugh. I nodded as he quickly got into story mode. "Okay so we were in elementary school, I think 1st grade specifically. Jungkook and I had a class together but we hadn't really ever talked." He paused to eat a nugget.

"So we were in math and the teacher was doing addition problems, one that had an eight in it. I looked around and saw that everyone was writing the infinity eight's. I didn't know how to do that, I just drew 2 circles to make my eights." Hoseok explained, Taehyung and Yoongi visibly confused with how this relates to the question.

"So I started crying because I couldn't do it no matter how hard I tried. It was stupid because both eights look similar but I didn't want to be the only one who didn't know how to do it. The teacher tried to get me to calm down but it didn't work. Eventually Jungkook came over and taught me how to do it. Afterwards I hugged him and ask to play during recess, we've been best friends ever since."

Hoseok sat back in the booth, as if he'd just told the greatest story in the world. I recalled this happening, I hadn't thought that teaching him to write an 8 would lead to a 10 year almost 11 year long friendship.

"Wow, you didn't know how to draw an 8?" Taehyung laughed, missing the whole point of the story. Hoseok picked up one of my nuggets, throwing it at the red haired male.

"Shut up."

"Hey! My nugget!" I cried, as everyone laughed at my misery. "That isn't funny." I mumbled in mourning of my deceased nugget.

"How'd you two meet?" I changed the subject looking at Hoseok and Yoongi. I already knew Taehyung and Yoongi met because of work, but I didn't know Hoseok and Yoongi's.

"Ummm." Hoseok's face became a deep shade of red as Yoongi looked down. My eyes widened as my mind raced with reasons their reactions would be like that.

"It can't be weirder than meeting at a strip club, your future boyfriend being the one who gave you a lap dance." Taehyung chucked referring to the way we met.

"Well..." Yoongi dragged out, "its less about the place, more about why we started talking." He continued to avoid eye contact.

"Well now you have to tell us!" I nudged Hoseok's shoulder as he only seemed to get redder by the minute.

(Hoseok's POV, a few weeks ago)

"Namjoon, why are we here?!" I whisper yelled my face becoming flushed. We were in a bookstore, but this specific section...was filled with erotica. Novels about sex, Manga's about sex, short stories about...guess what? Sex.

"Shh, I just want to check something." He ran his finger of a line of books, eventually landing on specific series of Manga's. He pulled out about 7 of them. "Can you hold these really quick?" And before I could even answer he was placing my books in my hands, taking one off the top.

"Huh, it doesn't say how much it costs." Namjoon mumbled, "hold on, I'm going to go ask." He said before turning around.

"Namjoon! Don't leave me here-" but he was already gone. I fidgeted nervously, looking down at the cover of one of the mangas. Oh gosh- of course there had to be naked people on the cover! I debated running out of the aisle, ditching Namjoon.

Just as I was about to put the books back and make a run for it, someone's voice caught my attention.

"You like that series?" I jumped, dropping most of the books onto the ground.

"N-no! These a-are for my friend!" I spoke quickly, picking up the books. I stood back up nervously, my eyes meeting the dark brown ones of the man in front of me. He had a mischievous look in his eyes.

"So you buy smut for you friends?" He leaned against the shelf, my face becoming hot. His light blue hair dusting against his forehead, his gaze glued on me.

"No! H-he I-" Jeez, I can't form a single sentence!

"No need to be embarrassed, if you read this stuff, no judgement." He shrugged glancing at the book cover. Why was this stranger so invested in my purchases- Namjoon's purchases!

"Well, you're in this aisle too, so..." I dragged on, not knowing exactly what to say. He was sort of the most attractive person I've ever seen, maybe that's why I continued talking to the stranger. Or maybe it was because he had this thing about him...that drew me in. But at this end of the conversation, which had gone from dirty books to what I would do if I woke up and my foot was missing...I got his number.

He walked away after giving it to me, my heart beating a pace it hadn't ever gone before. I quickly made my way to the front, seeing Namjoon sitting at a table.

"Why didn't you ever come back?" I asked, it had been at least 45 minuets, and he had said he'd be right back. Not that I was complaining.

"I did, but I saw you talking to that guy so I decided to give you a few minuets." He flashed a smile, which I didn't know whether he could tell I liked him or was just talking.

"You left me in an erotica aisle!" I changed the subject, hitting his arm.

"Well it seems that something good came out of it." He teased, my pout vanishing as I felt my phone,

the blue haired boy being the only thing I could think about.

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