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Nayab's pov

It has been two months 22 days of my nikah.

After 2 days of my nikah I came back to Bangalore to continue my job since my mother In Law said she has no problem with it, instead she was happy when I told her my agency's name.

I'm in contact with both my mother in law and sister in law.
They are lovely as always.

But HE for once never called me.

Gosh!!! I don't even know how he sounds.

"Nayab are you ready?"My roommate and also my colleague yelled at me.

Today is the success party of our journalist agency. We have been in top position for so long.

Our boss is really so cooperative and humble with every workers there.
I think this is the reason he is so successful at this young age only.
He even is a shareholder of some hotel chains and textile companies.We can say that he is filthy rich but he doesn't have any arrogance in his attitude.

"Nayab please come out our cab is waiting."I heard Samreen yelling again.

"Yeah, I'm almost done." I said coming out from the dressing room.

"Wow!! You are looking very pretty Nayab ". She praised me.

I was wearing  peach colour long full sleeve gown with same peach colour hijab with black high heels and black clutch.

While straightening my gown with my palm I thanked her and looked at her.

"Masha-Allah you are yourself looking very pretty."She was looking really very pretty in black colour saree.

"OK come on let's go, we can continue the praising in the cab and in the party as well.For now let's hurry up because agency's cab is waiting here to pick us up for a while".She started dragging me while continuing her speech.

Cab dropped us in front of a beautiful mansion. It was so eye catchy and magnificent.

While praising that mansion in front of me in my heart and absorbing it's beauty through my eyes I asked samreen.

"why are we here?"

"To do the brooming, wiping and if needed catering.Of course, we are here to attend the part silly and this is boss's mansion."She after mocking informed me while holding my hand and taking me with her inside.

Our ID was enough proof for that giant gatekeeper to let us enter.

When I entered and laid my eyes on the  decorations which was done by blue and white flowers and balloons contrasting the milky white colour of the walls and  silky curtain of same blue and white colour were hanged around and the huge beautiful chandelier hanging above the middle of the hall illuminating it's white soothing light every where it can reach was literally spell bounding.

When I was busy looking this beautiful place with complete wide eyes I heard boss saying.

"You guys are 17 minutes and 32 seconds late."Boss and his accuracy, I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Sorry sir". We both said in unison.

"No need you are not in office but please make sure to be punctual next time. Enjoy yourself, food will be served after one hour, but  if you need refreshments you can serve yourself. There in your right hand side is the dining decorated with refreshments."Boss after scolding, lecturing and  guiding left with a smile on his face and disappeared in of the doors of this lavish mansion.

We started greeting each other when I felt the cat and mouse chasing inside my stomach and it's embarrassing growl as well, so I thought to have some refreshment.

After stuffing my mouth with mouth watering snacks I took one can opened it and headed towards the gathering while checking my phone with  left hand and quenching my thirst with the can from right hand, I bumped with a concrete wall breaking my cute tiny nose.

This was the time mumma was dreading from, she told me thousands of time to not walk while gluing my eyes to the phone's attractive screen. And today being a disobedient child, I got my punishment and lost the cute shape of my nose. How will I face people now?

"Hello... What's wrong miss? Get off me ."

What?!!! the wall is talking, isn't it miraculous.

I got off from the wall holding my spinning head with one hand and deformed nose with other and raised my eyelids to look at the miraculous wall but........the wall was replaced by a man who was throwing daggers at me.

I couldn't proceed my legend and genius thoughts when I heard him.

"Are you blind? Can't you look where you are going? You spoilt my clothes." He was fuming in anger.

"Are you yourself a blind? If you have seen me coming , you could have changed your way". I am not the one to sit back and take whatever you throw at me.

"What?!! Instead of accepting your fault and apologizing you are retorting back, manner less girl."He growled at me.

What?!!! He has the audacity to call me mannerless as if he is the gentleman.

"Oh, hello Mr. arrogant with loads of misbehavior and nil  gentlemenness, you should be the one saying sorry not me." I was burning inside out because of this man in front of me.

Everyone present in the party were now looking at us interestingly and maybe waiting to see the winner of this fight, who surely will be me.

"Buddy what's wrong? Why are you shouting?" I heard my boss who was striding towards us and asking that illiterate jerk.

"Man I don't believe you invited this ill mannered girl". He said glaring at me.

Oh!! Allah, he is boss's friend. Go to hell I can't sell my prestige for my job.

"Oh hello, mind your language otherwise I will not hesitate to break your teeth with my bare fist." I said overcoming the fear of losing my job.

"Break my teeth....."He sardonically laughed at me.

"....have you seen your size? Instead you will break your fist doing that midget."

How dare he call me midget? He doesn't know that in my self defense classes I've learnt enough tricks to make him kiss the ground with only the flick of my hand .

This man is getting on my nerves.

" You arrogant jerk I will kill you." Saying that I marched towards him with full force to strangle his throat till he die.

But Samreen held me from my waist halting my movement and mission to  remove this idiot from earth.

"Miss Hasan I'm sorry, OK now please excuse us, I will  talk to you later" . Boss said to me holding that idiot with his shoulder and dragged him somewhere who was fuming in anger.



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