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"Why don't you die,currently this is the best escape you can have Nayab babe."She roared on the phone giving me hint that how irritated, frustrated and annoyed she was right now but only if she knew my state.

"You know what?!! just go to hell, you are of no use." I told her frustrated as a hell and was about to cut the call when I heard her.

"Don't cut the bloody call. If you are suffering from short time memory loss miss Nayab Hasan Farooqui, then let me remind you how many plans I the brainy Ayat khan suggested you....  "
I snorted at that but anyhow didn't cut the call , knowing very well she might get offended and would make my life living hell .

"Plan number one ;I suggested you to runaway but you said in that case your father threatened you to never see your not so pretty face so you can't do this."

"Yeah but that's correct ,baba literally...." She cut me through my speech and continued her's.

"Plan number two; I suggested you to hire one handsome hunk and tell your parents that you are in relationship with him and will marry later, but for now you guys can do engagement but you said that while pursuing your parents to cancel nikah thing you made sure to make them believe that you don't have one. So this plan was also not workable for you." I clenched my teeth, she was literally making me hear the same useless thing twice.

"Plan number three; I suggested you to contact that guy of yours, I mean your would be husband and tell him that you can't marry him since you are a lesbo, but you said that you don't have his number and only in the span of 13 hours you will not be able to get his number, because your parents will surely not give his number to you as they very well know you and your evil mind, and since you don't even know his name, address or anything else, so this plan was also discarded as those two."

"Take a breath babe, You don't have to repeat . I heard you loud and clear."
I started but the Ayat Khan never listens to anyone when she talks 

"Plan number four; I told you to marry him because our parent's decision has always been proved to be best for us, here you said that if best things happens like this then you don't want one. "

"Ayat ,will you stop ranting like a mad woman." I snapped at her but she didn't pay any heed to it and continued .

"Plan number five and last one;I told you to die because this was the most suitable plan I have right now for you in my intelligent brain's pocket".After repeating her suggested plans in a go, now she was huffing badly so I cut the call because I was no more interested to talk to my so called best friend whom I thought to be my knight in the shining Armour but she turn out to be my worst enemy.

"Don't judge her friendship, she did whatever she could".

My inner self mocked me.

Yeah!! It's true and very well said that when you will be in problem your closest one will leave you, and right now my closest one means my inner self of course is  mocking me. This is the time when at least my inner self should show some mercy on me and support me instead of praising that brat my friend cum enemy.

" I was not praising her, I was just mentioning the fact".

My inner self again mocked me.

Look, look, look... again she mocked me and stood against me supporting that Ayat Khan.

"Will you stop splitting from me my oh not so dear inner self".

I shouted dramatically keeping my hand on my hip and saw my inner self merging in me.

Woow!!! You have some talent of taming things at least with your bold voice.

I imaginarily patted my shoulder.

Here again I'm busy talking on my own and forgot about the sword of nikah hanging above my head.

What should I do?.. thinking I  came to my room and slumped down on my bed asiding the wrappers of chocolates and chips with my hand which I ate while thinking for the plans to escape from this nikah of mine.

I surely eat a lot when I'm in tension.
I'm feeling drowsy, but before sleeping I need to find out some solution.

I must find out one........


Ohh!! Allah please, please, please save this dear earth from this giant earthquake, otherwise where will I live.

"Nayab get up beta" I heard Mumma calling my name, is she somewhere trapped because of this earthquake and need my help but wait.... She said get up, have I fallen down from, from umm….. maybe from my balcony?

"Nayab get up". I heard her panicked voice which is rare to see I mean listen. Am I dead?!!!

"Mumma, Mumma earthqua......
When I open my eyes my words got stuck in my throat as I found myself on my bed tangled with my blanket and saw Mumma glaring me with hands on her hip which reminded me of previous day's  not so forgotten incidents.

" ....... ke" I released my stucked word as my throat started to itch.

"It was me who was shaking you, not the earthquake you sleepy head". Mumma said irritated and sat beside me.

"Wait..... Mumma how you came inside as far as I remember I locked my room yesterday". I asked Mumma suspiciously.

"Have you ever heard about master key". She smirked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Wow!! Mumma you should be in some detective agency, why you are here wasting your talent?"I praised her only if she knew the sarcasm dripping behind it.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!! I know". She mentioned proudly straightening her imaginary collar.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Nayab you know right today is your nikah and you should be ready  till 11am and here it's 7 am and you are still on your bed.Guests must be on their way."She reminded me of what I had memorized by heart.

"Yesssss, of course I very well remember about my forced nikah." I told her forcing the word forced little extra.

"Okay, whatever take bath, have your favorite breakfast which I made for you exclusively. Beautician will be here in one hour". She instantly changed the topic called forced nikah.

Hence it's proved that my escape from this nikah is not possible.

I sighed audibly accepting my defeat, defeat from my destiny.

Flashback end....

"Nayab beta come out, your in-laws want to meet you". I heard Mumma along with her specific knock.

"Coming". I replied her and fixed my make up and dress, if this was meant to happen then I should accept it wholeheartedly for my Allah's sake.

And it is well known fact that you are supposed to either accept your fate and live happily or your fate will force you to accept it in every way possible ,shattering you in the process in millions of pieces.

Your hight of stubbornness decide how much you will suffer on the way of accepting it.

When I know I can't fight with, what was Destined to happen, I should do the wise thing and accept it.

when I came  out from washroom I was engulfed in deathly hug.


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