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Haroon's POV

"Amma please... try to understand, I really need to go. My flight will board after half an hour. I will meet her later..." I repeated this for the nth time, but Amma continued her glare.

"... I promise". I said holding my skin near my Adam's apple with my index finger and thumb, being annoyed by her longest glare ever.

"Amma let him go, it must be important". My little sister came for my rescue.

"Okay..... But make your trip short and meet your wife as soon as possible" Amma finally allowed me to go with a hint of anger in her voice and sighed audibly.

"Okay Amma thank you so much, I will call Shahnawaz to drop you guys home. Allah Hafiz, take care". I completed my sentence in hurry and turn to go when I heard Amma.
"Harroon wait."

"What happened Amma?"I asked her facing her again with an annoyed look.

"At Least meet your In-laws and excuse yourself for this indecency of leaving your Nikah ceremony in the middle of nowhere." She lectured me and walked out.

I really need to make some plans to get her forgiveness.

Sighing ,I  turn to do as I was told by my lovely mother.


My In Laws didn't made any fuss of my leaving otherwise I would have been in so much problem.
Shukran Allah, now I'm heading to Delhi for the meeting of all the members of textile industries which was supposed to be held after five days, but my PA just before my Nikah messaged me about the meeting being rescheduled. Now the meeting is by tomorrow morning. I can't miss it, my presence there is necessary to represent my textile industry.

So, I'm here sitting in the plane heading to Delhi instead of being congratulated and meeting my so called wife.

It's not that I'm interested in her. It's just the curiosity to know about the girl with whom I'm suppose to spend my whole life.

And beside how could I be interested in her when I know nothing about her.

My mother and sister were too busy in the preparation of my Nikah that they even forgot to tell me her name.

I'm grateful to Qazi sahab because of whom I came to know her name NAYAB HASAN FAROOQUI. Note the sarcasm.

Nice name, it could sound better as NAYAB HAROON SAMAD KHAN.

Ya Allah!!!

What's wrong with me.
This idiotic sounding man is surely not me.
Okk shut up that's it.

I shook my head to get rid of those romantic thoughts about my wife whom I have not seen for once.

Two months back after Amma got heart attack, she was adamant to get me married.

After being successful in persuading me for marriage she asked me about my choice and I put everything on her because after Baba's death I was so much engrossed in making my company in top I didn't get time for datings.

And here after two months of that incident I'm married man.

It really sounds so foreign and awkward to me.

Nobody from the outside world know about my marriage not even my best friend. I tried to call him but he was so busy in his trip to Italy that he ignored my calls. He will really need to pay for this.

"Good Morning sir, I hope your journey was good. I messaged you the proper schedule of the meeting and also the presentation, and this is Rohit he will be your driver till you stay here". I heard my PA as soon as I came out from the airport.

"OK thank you Aliza you can leave now, if get some problem I will call you."I told her sitting in the car and gestured to Rohit to get going.

I don't know when I will meet her? and how I will meet her?

Time will unfold the secret as it has done today. Whether she will be my soul mate whom I can love unconditionally and who will love me back unconditionally.

I don't  have any answer but the time does surely have and I'm impatiently waiting for that time.
I need to collect my thoughts because tomorrow is long day for me.
I sighed and leaned on the back of the seat closing my eyes.


Nayab's POV

"Ayat leave". After a second I realized that this deathly hug belongs to only the great Ayat khan who can choke you to death only by hugging.

"Oh my Allah!!! You are looking beautiful". She was jumping up and down along with clapping as if she got her favorite candy.
I rolled my eye at her childish act.

"Please come inside". I heard mamma talking with someone and I looked at her only to see a graceful lady and beautiful girl of my age entering the room.
I looked at mumma to know about them but she was gesturing me something.

Why can't she tell me aloud when she very well knows that I'm terrible at guessing gestures.

"Assalam o Alaikum beta." The graceful lady came to me and greeted me by putting her hand on my head lovingly.

I confusedly mumbled "Wa Alaikum Assalam".

"Assalam o Alaikum bhabhi". The beautiful girl followed her mother I guess because they look alike and greeted me by hugging.

I again super confusedly mumbled "Wa Alaikum Assalam."

But wait.... What?... What did she say?.... She referred me as bhabhi (sister in law).....

Ufff, my Allah!! she is my sister in law and the graceful lady is my mother in law.

Finally I was able to solve the puzzle.
Suddenly I felt the room precipitating with awkwardness.

What to say?.... How to talk to them?

I looked at Ayat khan for some help only to find her devilishly smirking and winking at me.

I doubt she really is my friend?
I will kill this girl!!

I clenched my teeth to control myself from Killing her right now.

"Bhabhi you are so beautiful,more than your pics... Masha_Allah."I heard my sister in law praising me making the atmosphere more precipitated with awkwardness for me.

When I was about to say' thank you 'I felt my mother in law making me wear gold bangles.

"Aunty what's this?.... I.... I.. Can't take this..... Please."I was so much hesitant to take those bangles from her.

"No Aunty..... call me Amma, I will be glad to hear this.... ". She was more lovely from inside than outside.

"...... And kids do not argue with their mothers when they give something to them". She smiled at me with lots of love for me twinkling in her eyes making her eyes more brighter and beautiful.

I looked at mumma and she nodded at me allowing me to accept her gift.

Her lovely nature made me feel at ease and faded the awkwardness very soon.

My sister in law told me that her brother I mean my husband couldn't make it to meet me because he had to attend a very important meeting in Delhi by tomorrow.

More important than me, I guess.

Before their departure my sister in law save their numbers in my phone and took mine one.

I found them really very loving and humble.
And I hope he would be same loving, calm and good to me.

Beside time will unfold every secret hidden in it when the time comes.


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