Bonus Chapter- A Day In The Life

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I'm posting this a lot earlier because I feel like you guys need this. And I just want to finish the story so I can put my full focus into school and my new story Photograph (go check it out. It's also pretty short so I'm sorry. 🧡🧡


"Hey babe, I kind of need to tell you something," Lewis smiled cautiously "What is it Lew," I asked. "Well I'm not retiring this year," Lew spoke, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What do you mean you're not retiring this year, we talked about it. You have a kid who never gets to see you and a girlfriend!" I shouted "Eli don't scream, we just put Jenna to sleep," Lewis said, shushing me.

"It's just you said you'd come home to us. You're 36 now Lewis, Jenna wants to be with her father," I spoke quietly "I know but I just love the sport and I can't leave it, just one more year please," Lewis begged.

"Come with me this year then," he suggested, I shook my head. "Jen's in playschool she can't leave the country," I protested.

"Please come with me just this once," he begged "no." "But what if I need something," he smiled referring to sex. "Shut up, we have a kid in the room beside us," I warned.

Suddenly we heard the soft sobs of a little child coming from Jenna's room. "See you woke her up," I groaned, I opened the door quietly.

"Hey Jenna, sweetie are you ok?" I asked, sitting on the bed "mammy I had a nightmare," she sobbed. "It's ok honey, come here," I cooed as our daughter climbed into my lap. "What was the nightmare about?" I asked softly "it was that daddy was going to get hurt when he drives his really fast cars," Jenna sulked.

I shared a look with Lewis "well sweetheart I'm not going to drive the cars anymore," he reassured her "you're not?" I asked in disbelief. 

"I'm not," he spoke, I pulled us all into a big family hug. Then Lew and I put Jenna back to bed.

"What are these?" I asked Lewis, pulling out a pair of colourful socks. "They're these new socks I bought," he said. I checked the tag on the socks.

"No offence Lew but who spends $35 on a pair of socks?" I spoke "let's just go to bed," Lewis laughed.

We both climbed under the covers and cuddled close to eachother.

It's really short but I've run out of ideas. I also always do the a day in the life so here it is.

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