Chapter 26- I Love Him

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It's so hard not to laugh at that GIF at the top 😂.


I got out of my comfortable hotel bed to have a quick shower before work, I still hadn't told Lewis of my decision and I hadn't seen Charles since yesterday morning when I smiled at him as he passed me. 

As if taking a shower would just fix all my problems I eagerly got into the shower. Rinsing my hair before doing the usual shampoo, conditioner and body wash routine.

I got out and quickly dressed in my work outfit before going down to have breakfast. I caught Charles at the buffet deciding now was the time to talk. "Hey Charles do you have a minute to talk?" I asked "not really Eli but do you think you have time to talk after FP3 today," he rushed, I nodded and picked up some toast from a nearby plate. 

Something was definitely going on with Charles and I was dying to get to the bottom of it. Lewis then appeared beside me, this morning was going to be eventful.

"Hi Lewis," I smiled "that's a sign, you haven't sent a smile my way in ages," he laughed. "Why aren't you at home, you have no reason to be at this race?" I questioned "Home was boring," he replied happily. 

"Anyway do you want to sit with me for breakfast?" he said pointing at an empty table "sure," I agreed, seeing the opportunity to tell him my decision. "Lewis I want to tell you something," I blurted as we sat down, he cocked up his head "tell me whatever you want," he said. 

"After what happened with Stoffel I've had time to think and I wouldn't mind if we gave us another try," I spoke quietly "really, do you actually!" His smile growing very wide. He stood up, pulling me up with his good arm. 

My legs wobbled a bit at us even touching, he could see that and smirked. He took a step towards me, I stayed where I was, waiting for what I thought he was going to do. He took another step and his arm snaked round my waist, I kept my stance this time although I felt like I wanted to melt into him. 

Then his lips touched mine in a sweet kiss, I leaned into him putting an arm around his neck. My other hand went up to cup his face and pull him towards me, he pulled away first. Supporting me as he asked "you okay?" with a sneaky smile "sound," I replied quietly. "I missed that, I missed you," he admitted, I pulled him in again.

That's when I realised I loved him, I love Lewis fucking Hamilton.

After FP3..

"Hi Charles, how are you," I smiled sitting down on the couch in his drivers room. "You need to save me," he blurted "what do you mean save you?" I asked. 

"Cardi won't let me break up with her, she scares me. She won't even let me look at you or hug you, in fact she won't let me talk to or look at anyone. I'm pretty sure she cheated on me with some guy from Toro Rosso, but every time I got to break up with her she screams at me and I can't do it," he explained "your such a softie," I teased.

"This is serious, I need help," he begged "Well I have two ideas, first is we just confront her. Second is, we pretend like you're cheating on her with me and she'll break up with you and leave. I always knew she was a bitch, that's probably why her engagement fell apart," I spoke sassily. "Let's go with the second one," I said "why?" Charles asked.

"Because it's cooler," I replied.

The next chapter I believe is one of the best chapters I have ever written on this story. 

Hookup - Lewis Hamilton ✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora