Chapter 8- Play Fighting

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We touched down on the runway and slowly trundled to a parking spot. Lewis clambered up from his seat and got our suitcases.

"Here in Monaco it's 11:30am," Lewis spoke as we walked down the steps. "Ok so we have most of today left to do something fun," I smiled. 

"Actually, we're going home and relaxing today," he corrected me, my smile faded a bit but I was happy to see what Lewis' apartment. "Ok, let's get going then. I am a little tired," I laughed and winked.

We strolled over to a beautiful car that Lewis got in the drivers seat of, after he put the suitcases in the boot. I climbed into the passenger seat and turned on the radio "do you have Bluetooth?" I asked him. He nodded, I then started to play my Irish playlist. 

Lewis didn't appreciate that much.

We arrived at a huge, fancy building and Lewis greeted the doorman. He said hi to the receptionist and entered the elevator, we went to the 4th floor then got out. I stared at his penthouse suite, "OMG Lewis, I fucking love it!" I screeched "you don't live here," he joked.

"Yeah, but I'm moving in," I rambled, completely distracted by the intriguing and beautiful furniture. "I'll show you to your room," Lewis chuckled, I followed him. In awe as I saw what I passed, I almost bumped into him when he stopped. 

I yawned "oh so your bored now," he teased "no, no. I'm not, I'm just tired let me in so I can sleep," I said. Not paying attention to the decor in this room just yet.

"Right I'll see you in an hour or two, Lewis," I smiled and closed the door. I lay in the comfortable, fluffy bed and instantly fell asleep.

I woke up to a knocking on my door. Who the fuck is knocking at that door. I was a little scared, so checked and they weren't facing me so I opened the door quietly. I kicked the guys knee in and he buckled, then I jumped on his back, trying to steer him in a way that he would fall. 

"What are you doing El?" A familiar voice asked, "Oh, Hi Lewis," I said awkwardly. I twisted myself so that I was now facing him, while still in his arms. "Uhm, why are you here?" I asked him "I live here," he spoke. I blushed and just looked down at the floor. 

"No need to look like that," he commented, lifting my chin up and giving me a kiss. "Haha, that was a ploy to get your attention," I tried, trying to make my embarrassing situation better. "Very convincing Eli," he joked "now, you get into that kitchen and eat your lunch." 

Kind off short, but I'm so tired today.

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