Chapter 21- Accidents Happen

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Hey guys, I've been really pumping out chapters. When I publish a chapter I had already finished one and was halfway through a second one. But I don't know if I want to be the person who updates every day because the story wouldn't be very special anymore. Will I stick to updating every second day or every day, you guys decide.

25/8/18 + 26/8/18- Belgium- Qualifying & Race

I was up early today, at the track early as well. Just for a change, I couldn't sleep properly so I just went a little earlier. Not wanting to wake up Stoffel I just gave him a kiss on the cheek and left.

"Oh hey Charles, what are you doing here so early?" I asked "there were a few little bits with the car that I wanted to check," he said. 

"Hey I was watching this interview thing at the French GP and I wanted to know," I began to say "oh don't you say it," he warned. "Do you shave Charles?" I asked teasingly "ouch, it hurt the first time it was asked." He laughed. "And yes I do did you not see the cut I had last week," he said "yeah but I thought you got in a fight with a cat and the cat won," I smiled.

"You guys are here early," Pierre said, showing up behind me. "Fuck sake Pierre, don't scare me like that!" I shouted "I apologise, I'll try not to scare you again." We chatted for a while, it could have been an hour or two, I don't really know. But by the time we had finished talking more of the drivers had started arriving at the track. "Well I've got to go and do my job now," I smiled, waving goodbye to Charles and Pierre "enjoy Qualifying."

I headed to the hospitality area and met up with John. "Ready to work then?" Dave asked me "yeah let's get going, pit lane walk today right?" I questioned, John nodded. 

"RedBull have come back with many new upgrades this week, over the summer they were two weeks behind on upgrades and they have now come to be with the rest of the teams. They are now closer to matching Ferrari and Mercedes pace," I said into the microphone, gesturing to the garage behind me.

"Now onto Ferrari, they've been doing very well this week. They've been less than a tenth behind Mercedes all week, sometimes even beating them like in FP2. This weekend could be anybodies," I smiled, walking over to the Ferrari garage, making some more gestures. 

"Good job, there Eli," Charles smiled, walking up to me to give me a chaste kiss and a hug. "Charles I'm in the middle of something here," I laughed, he winked to the camera and started walking away. I rolled my eyes at him and continued speaking.

Until I was interrupted again "hey baby, are you having fun?" A wonderful Belgian asked wrapping his arms around me from behind and leaving a love bite on my neck. "Can I not do my job anymore without being interrupted?" I groaned, turning around in his arms. Kissing him quickly and then wriggling out of his grip.

 "Bye babe," Stoffel laughed.

Qualifying went well for Charles and Stoffel. Stoffel qualified 11th and Charles qualified 10th, I was very proud of my two boys. 

"You did amazing babe," I congratulated Stoffel and then went over to congratulate Charles.


"Ok bye I'll see you when your finished the race," I smiled sweetly, giving Stoffel a kiss. "Your gonna do great Charles, I'll be proud of you no matter what," I told Charles. 

"Alright now both of you go get in your cars," I ushered Charles back to his garage and pushed Stoffel to the direction of his. Then I walked to the hospitality unit so that I could watch the race, the race was about to start in a few minutes.

The race had started the top 8 got out of turn one safely. Suddenly Brendon Hartley hit Stoffel which launched Stoffel into the back of Charles and Charles flew over Romain Grosjean. "Oh my god are Charles and Stoffel okay!" I exclaimed.

"What, what. Are they out of the car yet?" I asked "yeah they're both out of the cars and so is Brendon," John informed me. I raced over to the McLaren garage and waited for Stoffel to arrive, a few tears spilling at the fright he had given me. 

"Hey baby," Stoffel said, he didn't seem very happy. "Stoffel are you ok, I was so worried there," I cried "it's ok sweetheart, I'm fine, I'm right here in front of you. All safe and sound," he spoke softly. "Now go see if Charles is alright, I think he was limping a bit," Stoffel urged, I gave him one last hug and a passionate kiss before "never do that to me ever again."

Then I left.

"Charles are you alright?" I asked him, seeing him sat down with an ice pack on his foot. "Yeah mostly, I think," he smiled at me "I've already been checked out by one of the doctors and they're going to get crutches or something now." I looked at Charles, going to sit beside him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Will you be able to race in Italy?" I asked him "they said it was just a sprain so hopefully I'll be better by Italy," he said. "Good, I thought you were seriously hurt," I gushed, choking up a bit.

Max won the race and I went to congratulate him. "My god Max you did amazing now I need to interview you," I laughed, giving him a massive bear hug. "I'm going out tonight would you like to come?" Max asked me "no thanks I wanted to stay home."

I did my usual interviews, with most of the drivers especially with Charles, Brendon and Stoffel. I watched as Charles hobbled on his crutches towards me. "Charles you shouldn't be standing, but anyway tell us what happened on lap 1," I inquired, "Well Stoffel hit me from behind and I was launched off Romain, I guess I landed weird because I hurt my foot. I don't blame anyone though, accidents happen," he explained. I asked him a few more questions and I was done.


"Hey Stoff where are you going?" I asked him as I lay on the couch "I'm going out to a party with Max," Stoffel told me. "Can I go, if you don't want me to I can stay," he said "no it's fine, do whatever. Have fun," I spoke grumpily. He looked over at me and I just looked away, he left the room. Charles came over too, he couldn't go out to the party and we just watched some movies in the hotel

Later on in the day I got a call from Lewis, "Hey," I spoke "hi do you want to have a threesome?" Lewis drunkenly asked "I'm still pissed at you, I have a boyfriend and I don't want to be anywhere near your bimbo," I replied and hung up.

Drunk bastard.

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