Chapter 14- Hungarian GP

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29/7/18- Hungary GP

I rushed around, trying to catch a cheeky interview on the grid before the race started. I successfully interviewed Max, Stoff, Brendon and Marcus before the anthem started. Then we went back to the Sky hospitality area to watch the race.

It was quite boring the first twenty laps, but then Daniel just lost power, of course as soon as he comes back in I'm going to go say hi. I do have to compliment Charles on his wonderful spin later on too. 

It was quiet for a while after that, then suddenly Seb was in the wall. Everyone in the hospitality area seemed to stop and look, you rarely see a Ferrari in the wall and none of us expected it to be the race leader. Seb sounded so broken and was definitely going to get a hug.

I also decided to leave Dan alone and I would just see him in the hotel later, same with Seb and any other driver who might retire. 

The sprinkles of rain made the Grand Prix a little more interesting and the rain to follow would make everything a lot more interesting.

I rushed through the rain, my umbrella still sitting in the hospitality area. "Did you forget something?" A Belgian accent said from behind "no Stoffel I did not forget anything," I informed him.  "You know maybe your umbrella," he laughed, using his to shield me from the rain. 

"Right Stoff, I gotta go and I'm not waiting round for your umbrella," I blurbed, rushing away again but not before giving a chaste kiss on the cheek. I eventually reached the interviewing area to meet the camera men and continue doing my job. 

"You don't seem to like the weather Charles," I teased, he glared at me before answering. "Well I like it when I'm inside the car, it means a better race," he spoke carefully, I playfully punched his shoulder while laughing.

Mid interview with Max a strike of lightning and rumble of thunder clashed. "Fuck sake that was loud!" I screeched, the thunder shocking me. "Elizabeth, no swearing on television," Max scolded, giving me a mock disapproving look. Stoffel came up behind Max "it's an instinct of hers, the Irish like to swear," Stoff teased. 

"Come on guys I've got others to interview," I urged, playfully shooing them away. "But I don't want to leave you," Stoffel groaned, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, giving me a massive hug. "Come on waffle you need to let me go," I cooed, giving him a kiss on the cheek, while Max laughed at us from behind. 

"Stoff I'm serious though, I need to get going," I laughed "Fine, but will you please come to our small celebration later on?" Stoffel asked me.

"Sure, where is it?" I questioned "Dans hotel room," they both answered.

I nodded and they finally left. 

I came back to the hotel running through the pissing rain once again and when I reached my room I realised I had no female friends to help me get ready. I suddenly fell into a panic and first FaceTimed my bestfriend Ally. 

"I know your married and on your honeymoon but I'm proper panicking here," I spoke "ok girl, tell me what's wrong," she urged. "So I've made friends with a shit ton of F1 drivers and, Stoffel and Max just asked me to a party. I have no idea what to wear!" I screeched "Oh wow, this is a problem, let's go for casual but flirty," She responded. I instantly came up with what to wear and put it on "what about this?" I asked, doing a little spin so she could see. "You look fab, now I'm going to go get back to my husband," she cheered.

I let my hair down in its natural curls and did a very neutral makeup look, because that was the extent of my skills. Then I headed off to Dan's hotel room and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Nando." I smiled, as the Spaniard who was already a bit tipsy, opened the door. "Hello Elizabeth, come in," he laughed, I walked in and greeted everyone else. Max, Daniel, Stoffel, Fernando, Charles, Marcus, Kimi and Seb were all there, it was a small but homey party. 

Did I mention it also had loads of alcohol and pizza.

There was even music playing.

 "You look nice," Stoffel said when I approached him "thanks you look grand yourself," I smiled. Looking for Charles, "I'm behind you," I heard a monégasque say, I turned around and gave Charles a massive hug. "You are the best person ever!" I shouted into his chest "why?" He asked, confused. 

"You just are," I laughed "and you'd be even better if you got me a beer." Charles came back with the beer I asked for and his own drink. "You guys all did great," I announced to Charles, Max, Stoffel and Dan. "Especially you Charles, I used to be a ballerina when I was younger and I was never that good at pirouettes," I teased "you have a ten second head start," he warned. 

F1 drivers are always serious so I made a run for it. I ran into a certain closet and was quickly shocked "jeez Marcus, keep it in your pants!" I screamed, covering my eyes. I then felt someone tap my shoulder "found you," Charles laughed "control your teammate," I told him, my hands still covering my eyes. 

Later on in the night Stoffel pulled me into a random room. "If your looking for sex you need to put a few more beers in me," I slurred "no I was wondering about our date, do you wanna go out during the summer break?" He asked. "Of course, your so cute Stoff," I cooed, giving him a quick kiss and leaving him standing there.

I skipped into the main room to see the boys starting to dig into the pizza. I sat down, grabbed a slice or two for myself and grabbed the ketchup putting it back lid down. Then Max did the same but put it down differently, like as in he put it in a way so that it was harder to get the ketchup out. "Max, the fuck are you doing?" I asked him "eating my pizza," he replied with his mouth full. 

"I mean with the ketchup you dipshit. That is not how you put it down," I demanded "this is how you do it," I said, showing him the proper way. "No that is definitely not how you do it," Max protested "why not?" I asked.

"Well because then the red sauce comes out too quick," he replied "it's called ketchup and that's the point you don't need to wait or squeeze the bottle," I explained, Max rolled his eyes and kept eating. 

"Fine, fuck you and your perfectly blue eyes," I spoke, stomping away. Then turning around again "and I'm taking my pizza too," I added, hoping for more dramatics. I could here the hysterics unfolding and heard someone sit beside me. 

"Your so dramatic," Stoffel laughed "that was not being dramatic that was being normal," I defended. "Either way Max learned his lesson, he put the ketchup back the right way after Kimi and Nando warned him," Stoffel chuckled, his story even making me laugh. 

The next thing I did was something I actually thought over this time, it wasn't spur of my the moment like every other thing I do. I leaned in and kissed Stoffel, climbing onto his lap and deepening our kiss until we had to pull away to breathe. He sat there with me on his lap, staring at the ground. "You don't have to be so quiet, some day you'll turn out like Kimi," I joked, kissing him again,

"But I'm gonna have to go now because I'm about to throw up," I rushed, leaving him to think. 

I got a call from Lewis too, I wasn't throwing up at the time either. "Hello," I answered "Hey, hi Eli," I heard the familiar accent say. "Can I tell you something?" He asked, not even waiting for my reply before saying it. "No Charles don't get sick there, Dan would kill us!" I shouted as Lewis mumbled whatever he did. "Sorry Lewis, I didn't hear. Say it again," I replied "it's fine never mind," the Brit said and hung up. 

"I said don't vomit there Charles," I grumbled.

Eh the chapters keep getting worse, I think I might take an extra day or two before my next update to get more ideas 😉

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