Chapter 13- Past Tragedies

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29/7/18- Hungary GP

I was standing talking to Will Buxton, trying to ignore what day it was today. Yes it was race day but for me it was also a very tragic day, the day my mam died. Of course I haven't told any of my friends and colleagues here because I couldn't face saying it out loud. 

My mam was the best woman I ever knew, of course she made her share of mistakes, me being one of them. No she wasn't single, my parents were a lesbian couple. A very cute and amazing couple I was told.

My mam had an affair with some guy behind my mothers back. She happened to become pregnant, I was the product of that affair. Leading to an ugly fight between my parents, that's why my mother hates me. I don't even know where she is, my mother could be dead for all I know.

My mam on the other hand loved me to bits and when I was 6 my mam died in a terrible car accident, involving a drunk driver. Will seemed to have said goodbye and rushed off without me knowing and the only person beside me was Lewis Hamilton trying to get my attention. He moved us to a more private area, he walked us to his driver room so we could talk.

"What do you want Lewis?" I whispered "are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded, not wanting to talk to someone like him, the thoughts of my mam flooding my head once again. I've never really been good at keeping my emotions in so I was trying really hard not to right now.

"Just go get Charles, Stoff or Kimi or Fernando," I sobbed "why would you need them?" He questioned. "I just do," I cried, collapsing in his arms "you need to tell me what's wrong," Lewis urged, I didn't give in so he gave up. "I'll get Valtteri to take care of you for a minute, while I go get one of the guys," he told me, before strolling out to get Valtteri.

Valtteri came in to sit with me, while I sobbed the hours before the Grand Prix. He didn't ask what was wrong, he didn't try to cheer me up, he just sat with me. Until Lewis arrived with Stoffel and Charles.

I melted into Charles arms the minute he walked in, I saw a spark of some unknown emotion flash through Lewis' eyes. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Stoffel asked as Charles sat me down with his arms still around me. Stoff sat beside us, wrapping one arm around me "Lewis and Valtteri, you guys are great but can we please kick you out of your drivers room for a minute?" Stoffel laughed.

They left the room silently and Charles began to talk "do you want to tell us what happened or what's wrong?" he asked me, I looked at them and decided to just say it. I explained everything to them, I could see the look of pity.

 "It's ok," Charles told me "it's not ok," I sobbed. "But it is what it is," Stoffel commented, them both giving me a big bear hug. Before we all headed to our separate jobs, me back to pestering drivers and, Charles and Stoffel back to being pestered. Of course I was still incredibly sad, but talking to my best friends about it made everything so much better. I could finally talk to someone every time I felt like breaking down over my broken family.

I'm going to base what happened in the Hungarian GP in this story on what happened at the German GP.

Just a bit of insight into Eli's life, so you guys know more about her, I've never really been that great at the details especially the small ones so I'm working on both. I'm going to leave it here and the Grand Prix Chapter will be the next one.

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