Chapter 30- Surprise!!

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So I've been trying to add more diversity into my stories. Like I've been trying to add more culture but I'm from a place in Ireland where there aren't really many different cultures around so I'm trying my hardest and will be as diverse as I can. I'm also trying to add different sexualities as well, it's hard to do that because I'm pretty sure none of the drivers are gay and I've never really done one of those stories or one shots with two drivers. But I can't make the main character lesbian because then they couldn't get with the drivers, I tried to add it in this story with Eli's parents being a lesbian couple. 



I got up out of bed and quickly ran over to the hotel bathroom. "You ok babe!" Lew called from the bed "yeah I'm fine!"I shouted. "I'm just not feeling that great," I said as Lewis came into the bathroom "you don't look ok," he smiled weakly as I bent over the toilet and emptied the contents of my stomach.

"Eli I think it might be time for this," Lewis said, pulling out a pregnancy test from the cupboard. "No Lewis I'm not pregnant," I protested "just try it Eli because until you take one I will not let you drink alcohol, coffee or do anything that a pregnant woman can't do," he said. 

I groaned "fine, I'll take the test," I said, I took the test, Lew and I waited patiently. 

"I can't look," I spoke nervously "I can't either," Lew said. "We can call Charles, he'll look at it," I smiled "yeah call him," Lew said.

Charles came over "so what am I actually doing?" Charles asked, I pointed at the pregnancy test. "looking at that." He looked at both of us wide-eyed "you might be pregnant!" He shouted "shush we don't know yet," I said.

He bounced about a bit more "just check the test already," Lewis spoke. "Ok, ok I'm doing it," he spoke and over turned the test, glancing at it then turning it over quickly again. "Oh my god!" He freaked "what, what!" I shouted, he handed me the test, right way up.

I looked down "I'm pregnant!" I screamed "you are!" Lew shouted in disbelief. He turned and hugged me tight, "this is the best day of my life!"

"Congrats!" Charles shouted "are you guys going to tell anyone?" He asked. "I don't think we should tell anyone yet. Wait and see where Lewis gets in the race," I suggested, looking to Lewis to see if he thought the same. "Well yeah, I thought maybe when my parents are here for Mexico, so we can tell them in person," Lewis said.

"Ok then we can't tell anyone, so you and Charles are gonna have to drink all my drinks," I spoke "we can do that," Charles reassured. 

"Alright then let's get going," I smiled.

Later on....

"Congrats Lew, you did amazing," I smiled giving him a kiss. "Let's go out and party," Lewis laughed.

I got dressed for the club. Then Lewis and I headed out after we met up with Charles. 

"Would you like a drink miss?" a nice fancy waiter asked me "um yes please," I smiled, taking it then handing it to Charles. He downed it straight away "ok slow it down, I'll take less drinks too," I told him, laughing. 

I was sat at the bar talking with Nico Hülkenberg when the question I knew would be asked eventually was brought up. "Would you like a drink?" The bartender asked "no thanks," I responded. "You never turn down alcohol and you haven't had a drop of it all night, do I dare ask the question," he smirked "how do you know I haven't had any alcohol?" I asked. 

"I've seen you handing your drinks to Charles and Lewis all evening," he spoke "by any chance are you pregnant?" He asked. "Why would you think I'm pregnant?" I asked and laughed stupidly .

"You are totally pregnant!" Nico shouted "shut up you dumbass, I don't think anyone in Australia heard you," I spoke sarcastically "I heard him," Daniel cheered.

"You're pregnant," he whispered "ok if I say yes, you two have to promise not to tell anyone," I spoke threateningly. 

"So you're pregnant?" Nico asked "yes, I am pregnant," I whispered.

Ok this book is now finished. I am of course going to be doing my A Day In The Life bonus chapter, but I'm gonna wait a week instead of two days to post that one, maybe.

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