Chapter 24- Breakup

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Then we heard the door handle twitch "Lewis I did not mean for that to happen, I panicked when you were hurt I never should have kissed you. That was a terrible mistake and I'm pretty sure that was Stoffel, I can't lose Stoffel he's the best thing that's happened to me since I got this job," I rambled. 

Lewis looked hurt but he let me go anyway, I rushed out to see Stoffel sitting with his head in his hands. "I'm so, so sorry Stoff," I tried "Am I not good enough for you, I trusted you, I was even going to tell you I loved you!" He shouted, my mouth froze mid retort. "You, you were going to tell me you loved me," I spoke quietly "apparently those feelings aren't reciprocated," he said.

"Was I just a rebound?" He asked "no you weren't just a rebound Stoffel, you are the best thing that's happened to me since this job and I can't lose you," I cried. "It's too late for that Elizabeth, but can I just ask why did you kiss Lewis?" He spoke "I don't really know, I could just feel those butterflies you get when you really like someone. I've only gotten them with two other guys. A boyfriend in Secondary school and you, so I knew they were important. I should have talked to you, but I was panicking I thought Lewis was going to die at one point. It was spur of the moment and the worst thing I have ever done," I explained.

He looked at me once more, I could see the hurt in his beautiful green eyes. Resulting in me crying more, and walked away. Without another word he left the hospital leaving me standing there, hoping for him to come back. 

It was already evening by the time Stoffel had left, I got a taxi back to my hotel. Mindlessly wandering back up to my room, I lay on my bed thinking. I finally gave up trying to make sense of what went on today, I lifted up my covers and cuddled into them. I lay up missing the warm feeling of Stoffel laying beside me, missing being able to cuddle into him when I got cold. Missing him whispering sweet nothings into my ear as I drifted to sleep, every touch between us was magic and I had ruined it all.

All because I wanted Lewis over the sweetest most amazing man you could ever get. I had lost my only chance of true love to pursue a man who was only going to break my heart again. My mind drifted in and out of different scenarios. If I hadn't ever gone with Lewis would I be lying here alone, would I be able to keep my feelings for Lewis deep down. Even now they hadn't disappeared after so long why had they resurfaced, what had I done. 

I'm a terrible person, what will I tell the media. I might lose my job, it's very unprofessional to date a driver anyway, I'm surprised Sky let me do it. But finally my thoughts were overcome by sleep, though even my dreams haunted me with different scenarios and images.

I'm literally on a roll. I wrote this chapter and chapter 23 in a row. As well as a chapter on Photograph.

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