Chapter 5- Party Night

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I just wanted to show you guys both the covers that OFFTH3MARK made because their both amazing. 😁

22/7/18- Still German GP

I walked casually back to Charles "let's go get ready to party!" I cheered. He smiled at me and we locked arms, I directed him towards the exit so that we could go get changed and meet later. We exchanged numbers before I got into a taxi to go to my hotel. 

I clambered out of the taxi and strolled up the stairs to my hotel room. I headed into the room and went straight to my suitcase to pick out what I was going to wear. I decided to wear a nice red, tight fit dress with black heels. I wore casual makeup with a red lip.

Charles texted me the whereabouts of the club he wanted me to meet him at. I walked down the stairs and got in a taxi, showing him the address of the club. We arrived just a few minutes afterwards.

I got out as I saw Charles waiting at the entrance "hi Charles," I smiled, as I approached him. "Hey Eli, would you like to go in," he said, "of course."

We walked into the club and I saw all the other drivers. "Oh hi Eli," Max Verstappen slurred "Hi Max," I laughed.

I followed Charles to the bar, "Hi Kimi," Charles smiled "Hi Kimi, I'm Elizabeth Rivers," I introduced myself. "Oh your the nice interviewer," Kimi spoke, with his normal monotone voice "yep, that's me," I smiled.

I then introduced myself to the other drivers, taking a liking to Fernando and Valtteri. Charles and I then went back to the bar and had a few drinks. Now I'm not a lightweight but some of the drinks I had were really strong, so I was pretty drunk after the fifth one. "Hey Nando, would you like to dance?" I asked Fernando Alonso happily. "Sure why not Eli," he said, sweeping me over to the dance floor.

"I used to be able to breakdance," I blurted out to Fernando "really show me," he giggled. I showed him what I could remember to do "now just remember I haven't done that in years," I slurred. He clapped "you did great."

An hour or two later

"You know Charles, I never really get drunk, cause of work and stuff," I slurred. Having had a few more drinks.

"I love you Charles, your the best person I've ever met and I'm so happy your in F1," I said, not realising what was spewing out of my mouth. "I love you too Eli and I'm so happy you got a job in F1. Also that your sleeping with Lewis," he said stupidly. 

"I know," I slurred.

"Heads up, Lewis is coming," Charles warned me. "Hey Eli, do you want to come with me for a minute?" Lewis asked "Well, sure," I spoke. He took me to some closet and pushed me against the door.

He kissed me like he never did before, passionately pulling me towards him. I kissed back with all I had our encounter becoming more heated by the minute. I ran my hands through his hair pulling lightly.

"Give me more," I whispered into his ear.

He set me down after an intense session and my legs began to wobble. "I know what to do with your body," he whispered, making me collapse. He sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around me "I'm sorry about getting annoyed at you earlier," he apologised "your not my girlfriend and I shouldn't have been so possessive."

I pulled him closer, giving him a kiss. "I don't blame you," I laughed "will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, I stared at him "yes, I love you!" I squealed and we launched into another round of sex.


I woke up in my hotel room. With my pajamas on and shoes off. 

I never wake up like this after being drunk so I assume Charles helped in some way. But I remember nothing from the night before.

Short I know. But I'm going to leave it at that, will Lewis remember what happened or not. 

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