Chapter 23: Meeting the Family and Surprises

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To be honest, yes. The thought of me being pregnant has crossed my mind several times since the morning I woke up naked in bed with Niall. It's scary as fuck. I mean, don't get me wrong, a baby is a huge, huge blessing. I just can't see myself being a teen-aged mom with everything going on right now. Heck, Niall is a world famous popstar! What would happen if we broke up? I can't raise a child on my own. I believe that the child would need a fatherly figure in his/her life anyways. But I could not put the extra stress of having a child on Niall. That could absolutely plummet his career. Think about all the hate I would get. This could get bad. Really bad.

"Honestly.. Yes... Niall, I'm scared. What are we going to do?" I said. My voice became shaky. Don't cry, Sarah. Don't cry.

"Well, listen. If you do end up pregnant, just know that I won't leave you. I love you, Sarah. Look at your promise ring." I did as he said and glanced down at my hand. A smile creeped onto my face before I directed my attention back to Niall. "That ring was a promise to always love you and always be faithful, remember? That's exactly what I plan on doing. But if you are pregnant... I want you to have the baby.. It wouldn't be fair to have it killed... So have the baby if that's what we have to do. I will be there for you as much as I can. Just know that sometimes with my career and everything, it might be hard. But I'll do what I can." he said. At this point, I felt tears stream down my face because of his sincerity. Niall was an amazing boyfriend/person with an absolute wonderful heart. How did I get so lucky? Me, Sarah. How? I don't get it. "Don't cry, babe." he cooed. "Listen, we are both eighteen so we are old enough to have a doctor's appointment about it if the pregnancy results show you are pregnant. And if it turns out that you are, we will go from there. But we don't know that much yet. So let's just figure out what we can for right now. One step at a time, okay?" he smiled, gently wiping the tears on my face away with his thumb.

"Yeah, one step at a time." I repeated and smiled. "I better clean up my face and we should get out there before my mom comes in and sees my crying. Then we would have some explaining to do." I joked. My statement did have a serious side to it though. I walked into my bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. The first time Niall is meeting my parents, I could possibly be pregnant. Well that's just freaking wonderful.

Niall and I walked hand in hand into my dining room where Haley, Zayn, and my parents were sitting. Zayn and Haley were eating pizza and getting to know my parents. They were probably eager to get to know Zayn. I mean it's not everyday that 2/5 of One Direction stop by your home and one of them eats the pizza you ordered. My brother, Cameron, was playing video game because he and my parents had already eaten. My parents were just laughing along with Haley as Zayn told them some of his childhood experiences.

"Niall, come in the kitchen with me and you can get some of your own pizza and stop drooling over theirs!" I winked. Niall smiled at me and stuck out his tongue.

My mom directed her attention towards us after I spoke up. "Oh yes, sweetie! Help yourself, Niall!" she said and smiled. My dad nodded and smiled.

"Thank you, Mr and Mrs. Lee." Niall nodded and followed my into the kitchen, our fingers still intertwined. "Mmmm! This looks amazing!" Niall was hovering over the different types of pizzas laid out before him as he made his choice on which kinds he wanted. He picked up an extra cheesy piece, one with countless toppings, a classic pepperoni, and a piece of Hawaiian!

"Geez! Got enough, Mr. Horan?" I joked. Those pieces were huge though.

"I'll be back for seconds." he winked back. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"What can I get you to drink?" I offered him as I opened up the fridge. "Looks like we have Dr. Pepper, Mellow Yellow, Gatorade, Pepsi, milk, water, and Cherry Coke." I listed out the drink variety we had and looked back at him. He didn't answer, just smiled at me. "What?" I smiled.

"You're just so cute." he laughed. I began to blush. "I'll have a Gatorade, please." he said.

"Thank you." I kissed him on the cheek. "One Gatorade for you, sir." I smiled handing it to him.

"Thank you, m'lady." He winked.

We went back into the dining room and sat down with my parents, Haley, and Zayn. They were talking about what it was like to be on tour and stuff. My parents really seemed to like Zayn. I hope they like Niall that much. Which I'm sure they will. Who could hate that cutie?

The conversation slowed down and my parents turned to Niall and I. "So Niall, tell us about yourself." said my mom. Niall glanced over at me nervously while my parents both sipped their wine. I gave him a reassuring nod.

"Okay, well my name is Niall James Horan... I was born and raised in Mullingar, Ireland. I have an older brother called Greg. I'm a family man and my family means so much to me. I play football.. err.. um.. soccer and love to watch and play sports. I eat a lot too. And lastly, I am very proud to be dating your daughter." Woohoo! Score one for Niall. That definitely earned him some brownie points. I reached under the table and patted his hand. He squeezed mine, and we smiled at each other.

Conversation continued and ran smoothly. The conversations were perfect actually. My parents definitely liked Niall, and so did Cameron. Cameron came in about halfway through and sat down with us. Niall and Zayn were so good with kids so it really couldn't have gone any better.

My mom's phone began to ring and she got up from the table. "Well, I need to go get that. You kids can go and have your fun and hang out now." smiled my mom as she left the room. My dad stood up also.

"I'm going to go too. Have fun guys. If you want any more pizza, help yourself." he smiled before leaving. The four of us nodded.

"Zayn, Niall! Come play xbox with me!" said Cameron. Zayn nodded and eagerly went to go play.

"I'll be in there in a second, Zayn!" said Haley. "Let's go to your room real quick, Sarah." she said quietly as I lead her and Niall into my room. When we got in there, she made her way over to her purse and started digging to the bottom of it.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"I have something for you." she said as she handed me one of the pregnancy test thingies. God, it even looked scary. But I needed to know and this was the only way. "I'll leave you two alone to do this. I'm going to go back to Zayn and Cameron. Come out when your done." she said before leaving. Niall and I nodded and each mumbled a 'Thanks.' as I looked down at it in my hand.

"Niall, I'm going to go in the bathroom and take the test. I'll be right out, okay?" I said. He nodded and plopped down on my bed with both of his hands grasping each other firmly as he stared at the floor. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I already knew how to do this because Kendall's older sister was a teen mom. Ew. Kendall. I didn't even want to think about her again or I would probably throw up again. Well, this is it. I said to myself as I began the test. I closed me eyes until it was all over. I was scared to look at the results. I couldn't do it. I can't. I'm scared.

"Niall....!" I called.

"Y-yeah, babe?" he answered clearing his throat. "You done yet?"

"I'm scared to look." I spoke to him on the other sideof the door. I opened it and let him in. He wrapped his arm around my waist with his eyes closed.

"Alright. We're going to look on three, okay?" he said.

I nodded. "Okay." I breathed.

"1....2....3!" he counted as both of our eyes fluttered open. We both stood frozen, staring at the results in shock.

I was having Niall Horan's baby.

(A/N:) Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter! Please vote, comment, and message me to let me know what your thoughts are :) I also wanted to say a massive thank you because I am ranked #946 in the teen fiction category. Out of the thousands of stories out there, I am so proud to even be ranked. Thank you so much. Over 6,000 reads and nearly 100 votes were something I never expected to happen. Thank you so much! Love you all! <3

Claire :)x

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