Chapter 11: The Good News

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"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said into the phone. My parents just called me to give me the absolutely wonderful news that I was going to be attending college next fall here in London!

"You're welcome sweetie. We have already booked a flight in February so that our whole family can come back and look for a flat with you! Niall can help if he wants too." said my mother.

"I can't thank you guys enough!" I squealed.

"We love you, Sarah. We're proud of you. See you next week. Cameron says Hi." my dad said.

"Love you guys too! And Cameron! See you next week!" I said and then hung up. Time to go tell everyone the good news.

"Niall! Niall! Niall!" I ran into the boys hotel room beside ours after swiping the room key. (Yes they gave me a key to their room and we gave them one to ours hehe).

"Sarah! What?! What is it?! Is everything okay!?" he asked. He seem genuinely worried. I felt bad because I couldn't help but laugh considering the news I had was terrific.

"Yes, yes! Everything is perfect!" I said. I gave him a huge hug and just took all of him in. His sweet smell and the strength of his arms wrapped tightly around my body.

"What is it then?!" he asked pulling away from the hug as his hands rested on my waist. His big, beautiful blue eyes staring straight into my blue/green ones.

"I'm going to UNI!" I squealed.

"Oh wow! That's so great!" He leaned in and crashed his lips onto mine. Both of us smiling through it.

"Yeah! I will be back here in February to look for a flat with my parents and brother! Will you be in town?" I asked hopeful.

"Anything for you." He said and kissed me again.

"But Niall...." my voice trailed off.


"What is going to happen to us when I go back to America? I won't see you again to February. And after that... I won't see you again until like July." I had never even thought about this until now. And to be honest, I was scared to see what his answer would be. A smile played on his lips.

"We'll make it through. Liam and Danielle and Louis and Eleanor have skype conversations when they're away from each other. And we will do the same. We can make it work. Distance doesn't matter. I will fly in whenever I can to see you. If we can make it in the next ten months, then things will be x10 easier on our relationship when ou are living here in London. These few months apart is just a test for our relationship. But I strongly believe in what we have." Here I go again. Getting all emotional.

"Good. So do I." was my responce.

"I love you, Sarah."

"I love you too, Niall."

(A/N:) Short chapter I know! I'm sorry :( It wasn't that exciting either but yeah. I want to tell you about the 1D concert I went to on Wednesday!

Okay so like I get into Charlotte and the person at the front desk at my hotel tells us the boys are staying at the Omni Hotel. Soo, my friend and I put our bagsin our room and walk one block over to the Omni. Well there are like 20 girls waiting out there. We wiggle our way up to the very front. We are waiting for like 45min when Paul comes out with their luggage and loads it onto the bus! I recognized Niall's stuff immediately because of his white flip flips, red snapback, and the oreos and chips on top of his suitcase lol. Then Paul was telling us we needed to scoot back and everything and he talked to me and high fived me. And then fifteen minutes later, THE BOYS WALKED OUT. I have a picture of Liam waving right at my camera and looking at me. When people say they are sooo much more attractive in person, they aren't kidding cause it most certaintly is true. By this time there was probably about 150 girls there. So then they got on the bus and I chased it a bit and stood on a park bench and yelled by to Paul and he waved at me. It was wonderful!

Things Happen For a Reason (One Direction, Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now