Chapter 12: She's got that One Thing

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So basically, ever since Sarah told me about how she would be here in England next year (yesterday morning), I have been nothing but happy. Well, not that that is different from how I usually am. I doubt I was acting any different on the outside from my usual happy-go-lucky self, but on the inside, it felt like I was bouncing all over the place because I was that happy/excited.

The lads and I had an interview this afternoon at Radio 1. We were going to meet there at 12:15 and our interview broadcast would begin at one. I walked.. well skipped into the radio station. The other lads were already there waiting on me. I wasn't late, they were just earlier than me. Liam probably rushed them this morning.  Our girlfriends would be there around 12:20 according to my text from Sarah. Danielle was driving them over.

"Good afternoon, boys!" I said cheerfuly.

"What's gotten into you little leprechaun? You like you had an extra bowl of lucky charms with morning or something!" said Louis. I chuckled to myself. "No seriously, what's going on? You've got me curious." he said.

"Fellas, I got me some good news." I said flashing a smile. Ooo that reminded me. I forgot to wear my retainer last night. Oops.


"Tell us!"

"What is it Nialler?"

"Vas happenin'?!"

"Guys chill!" I said and started grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Then I took a deep breath. "Sarah is-" I was cut off by an innappropriate comment made by Harry.

"PREGNANT!?" he shouted.

"I knew it." muttered Zayn teasingly.

"No, I'm not preganant!" said Sarah walking in with Danielle, Eleanor, Kendall, and Haley. She was laughing at my goofy friends. "I'm staying here for the next for years at Uni." My heart leaped again even though I had already head this news yesterday and we had fantasized about future plans at least twenty times.

"Oh my god!" was all four of the boys' responces as they bolted towards my girlfriend and hugged her.

Everything seemed so clear and simple right now. The ten of us were a family. It took a while, but we finally were. I mean actually, I guess it didn't take that long. The way I look at the developing relationships between me and Sarah, Haley and Zayn, and Kendall and Harry was the way camp relationships develope except a tad slower. At most camps, you have about a week so if you begin to like someone there, natually you are going to fall for them faster because the time is more limited. I think that's part of the reason things were already moving so fast. But also because...well I guess I can only speak for myself when I say this but I am sure it is true for Harry and Zayn as well, but I think that naturally, Sarah and I fit really well together. She's got that one thing. I don't like making references to my own music because I don't want to come off cocky but it's true, she does. I see Harry and Zayn look at Haley and Kendall the same way I look at Sarah. With Liam and Louis for Eleanor and Danielle, it's a little bit deeper considering they have been dating their girlfriends for much longer than we have ours. Girlfriend. That sounded strange... Don't get me wrong, I loved being able to say I have a girlfriend but it doesn't feel real since I have been single since 2010..

The lads and I talked around with our girls for a bit and then it was time to kick off the interview. We were asked to play a song also. I was a bit nervous for this interview cause mine, Zayn''s, and Harry's relationships hadn't gone public yet. Today would be the day everyone found out.

"Good afternoon, London! DJ EJ King here and we have some very special guests here for you today! Please welcome UK's current biggest pop sensations, One Direction!"

Things Happen For a Reason (One Direction, Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now