Chapter 33: You've saved them!

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Third person's pov

Everyone hunched over squeezing their eyes shut and covering their ears to receive minimal damage from the explosion. Dust and smoke spread throughout the air leaving the area shrouded with ashes. It was done. The dragon queen was dead.

Everyone looked to one another in happiness as the deed was done. They were alive. Stoick looked up and looked around. It was quiet for sure but dread piled in his stomach.

Where were his children? Where were Hicca and Hiccup?

He looked through the Vikings around him but could not find his son and daughter. Something found its way down Stoick's spine. Something he had not felt in a while.


Everyone spread out and began looking for their future heirs. Stoick ran further out in to the dust and Gobber followed but further behind. Everyone started yelling and shouting fanning out the area.

"Hiccup!" Cried the chief. "Hicca!"

Nothing answered him back but silence which spoke the loudest in his own way. Stoick tried so hard to keep the thoughts at bay and tried to keep hope on the frontlines.

"Son! Daughter!"

Stoick swirled around in the dust until he saw a black mass move ever so slightly in the distance. His eyes widened as he realised it was the Night Fury that his children seemed to care for. He immediately ran over. Looking over the dragon he saw the saddle and the broken tail fin but no Hiccup and Hicca.

He couldn't take it any more and sank to the floor in defeat. They were gone. They had saved the village and now they were gone. He had failed.

He had failed as a father.

He started to regret everything. He regretted not spending time with them. He regretted not teaching them. He regretted not protecting them.

But he had done all of these things to protect them in his own way. Stoick's heart had officially broke. He had first lost his wife and now his children. It was already hell without her there and he didn't know how to raise his children.

He kept them away to protect them from the same fate as his wife.

But that completely backfired. Tears pooled in his eyes as he dropped to his knees in heartbreak and shame.

"I did this" he said shakily, his voice a cracked whisper.


Toothless' POV


That's all I could feel. Every muscle, every scale hurt. My mind opened up to my surroundings.

I immediately shut my ears as I could hear a lot of noise with shot a sharp pain up my head.

I groaned. Everything was so loud and painful.

'What happened?'

The small thought seemed to trigger something because vivid images and emotions flashed.

I then realised what the heaviness in my arms was. It wasn't just the feeling of pain and tiredness but also of my two best friends both in dire need.

I adjusted myself, my scales scraping on the ground and I groaned in pain. Odin, it hurt

I then felt something big drop down in front of me making dust fly up. Warning bells went off in my head and i pulled the twins closer to me. No one would hurt them.

"I did this"

The voice sounded very familiar but I couldn't place it. I relaxed as it seemed to mean no harm and it held an infinite amount of pain and....heartbreak.

As curiosity got to the better of me and I adjusted myself to lean up, a wave of dizziness wash over me and I stopped before attempting again.

I slowly opened my eyes but shook my head slightly. I then saw Stoick, the twin's father in front of me. I watched him cautiously.

I had no idea what the man in front of me would do. Earlier Stoick apologised to Hiccup but I had no idea if Stoick still held animosity towards me. I didn't know what would happen if I did anything. If I revealed anything.

If I showed Hiccup and Hicca to their father in the condition that they were in, pleasant things would not happen. He would take them away from me forever, he would take Hicca away.

I watched as Stoick looked up, tears in his eyes. I watched silently waiting for the man before me to do something.

"I-I'm s-sorry" he said.

He then lowered his head again and he looked seconds away from breaking down. It was a weird sight to me. All the time I had known the chief, he held a stony exterior. He was tough and wasn't swayed so easily. That's how I knew he loved his children. That he was truly sorry.

"You are forgiven" I said quietly. Stoick's eyes shot up to the black dragon in front of him. I moved and unfurled my wings to show the siblings in my arms. The older holding the younger.

Stoick's eyes widened as he saw his children. Stoick looked for a while until he reached out for his children. He threw off his helmet and put it onto Hiccup's chest first and sighed relieved. Thank Thor.

He then did the same with Hicca but no sound was made. Stoick lifted his head up and his eyes widened. My heart dropped.


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