Chapter 17: The light ball!

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Week 3- Test 256: Stirrup


The sound of me pounding the metal echoed through the forge. Hiccup was at training and I wasn't. Gobber said I didn't have to go if I didn't want to. Advantages as having the teacher as your godfather. Hiccup decided to though.

I huffed. I mean, why wouldnt he? His crush was there and he wouldn't miss a day not to see her. I don't think I've ever seen her smile. I've seen her smirk though.

Imagine if she turns out to be my sister-in-law. That wouldn't happen, not even with the luck we have now. Then Snotlout would marry her.


The sound echoed through the room as I brought the hammer down on the now sword angrily. I gasped as I heard someone groan painfully. I slowly walked into the main room of the forge quietly and clutched my dagger in my belt.

What I saw shocked me. A boy about my age stood holding his ears which were strangely pointy. He was a little taller than me. His dark shaggy hair slightly covering his eyes that squeezed closed. He wore black pants with black boots and a grey tunic.

I gasped as concern washed over me. "Are you okay?" I asked. I have never seen the boy before and he could be a visitor.

'Strange, I don't think any boats came in though'

The boy looked up immediately and opened his eyes. They were an electric green, green that seem to be glowing. I was rooted in my spot and couldn't move.

The boy took off before I could say another word.

"Hey!" I called as I ran after him. He turned a corner and when I did he was gone, not a trace. I could feel my eyebrows furrow as I felt confusion.

'Where did he go?'

I walked back to the forge to see my brother back from training with a sour look on his face.

"Dont even ask" he said as he walked passed me as I was about to say something. I shrugged and let it go. He got the tools we needed and we walked to the cove. We decided to leave the tail there since it would be such a hassle to carry.

We had made a stirrup to put our foot on instead of just letting our foot stay and move. From our observations, we've seen that it lets the tail flap to and plus our feet kept getting numb.

With a quick walk we were there. Toothless wasn't anywhere to be seen when we entered the cove. We set our stuff down and I called.


"Comin' " he replied as he walked from a cave. He ran over and nudged me while I scratched behind his ears which resulted in a purr.

"Okay toothless, let's go" my brother said as he climbed on the saddle. He had just finished putting on the stirrup and was moving his foot. When I looked the tail moved too.

"Looks good" I said and gave a thumbs up and stepped back.

Toothless crouched and widened his black wings. Within minutes and a gust of wind they were off. I took out the book and started making notes on how the tail reacted to the stirrup seems to be doing okay. Well for them anyway, I mean they still crashed.

That was apart of the routine.

When they landed, hiccup took off the entire saddle and sat on the ground. Toothless laid a little away from us. "What?" I asked as I glanced at the two.

Toothless shrugged. "Ask him, all I got was stirrup and adjustments. I don't speak human forgery language."

I laughed as I sat next to my brother.

"In all, it works but the main chord feels slack and the screw was loose on the pulley which could snap at any given time. I guess it isn't use to the winds" Hicc said.

"We don't have the tools needed, which means we have to carry the whole saddle home" I said.

We both groaned. 'How are we gonna do that with all of the attention we have?'

"I got it! Wait no!"

We both looked at toothless who was looking at something on the cave wall he emerged from. "Toothless?" We asked

"Look at the wall! But don't. Make. Any. Sudden. Movements " he said. We looked at what he was looking at. There was a circle of light on the wall. I narrowed my eyes trying to figure out what it was. Then it disappeared.

"Whered it go?!"

Hiccup nudged me trying to hold in his laughter. He pointed to the mace on the floor. The sun reflected on it making it form the circle of light. We probably moved it when we were making our analysis.

I grinned as we hid behind the stone and tried to angle it right. The light came back and toothless immediately pounced.

"There!" But as he pounced we moved it again, each time out of his reach. It was quite a game to the point toothless forgot we were suppose to be there. I laughed and had accidentally fell from behind the rock with laughter.

"Hicca!" When I looked up, toothless was heading straight at me. When I looked down hiccup had shone the light on me. I gasped as toothless tackled me, knocking all of the air out of me.

I groaned as toothless laid on me. He got off of me and pulled me up lightly by my tunic. "Hicca, are you okay? I'm sooo sorry" he whined. Hiccup's laughter filled the air. Toothless looked between us in confusion as I glared at Hiccup.

"Where'd the the light ball go?" He asked.

Hiccup laughed louder as he showed the mace. "The mace made the light, toothless. The sun reflected off the metal" I said and realisation dawned on him.

He looked at Hiccup with a mischievous look. "So all along it was you? You dare to mess with me, boy?" He said. I giggled knowing he was playing but hiccup's face paled.

"I think you should run" I said and he took off, toothless immediately following behind. I laughed all the way.


The sun shone brightly the next day as we all gathered in the arena. Even more people had came to see us train. It was unnerving. We all had our shields and weapons of choice. We stood in front of the gate and waited for it to open.

I thought it was the big gate until the chains rattled and a Terrible Terror came through a small gate. It looked right at me and Hiccup. I felt a pain in my head and warmth all over my body.

"I'm guessing you are the twin sorcerers?" It's squeaky male voice said. "The gronckle told us about you two"

"We won't hurt you" we said together which shocked me.

"Let's hope for your sake you dont" it said after sniffing us. It's eyes dialated but then returned to slits as Tuffnut talked.

"Wow, it's  like the size of my-" but he didn't get to complete his insult as the dragon attacked Tuffnut. I slightly giggled as Tuffnut scrambled and tripped.

"Ow, I'm hurt. I am very much hurt!" He exclaimed. I tried to hide my giggling but was failing. I then adjusted my shield to the sun.

'Come on. Work!'

The light ball appeared and the dragon immediately leaped off of Tuffnut to the light as I lead it to the gate. It followed the light entranced. "Wow, she's better than you ever were" I heard Tuffnut say and could practically feel Astrid's glare but I ignored it.

The Terrible Terror continued to unintentionnaly walk to the gate and when it got there it looked backed at Hiccup and I.

"Hmmm" I said as it narrowed its eyes at us and returned back to the cage and I held my foot against the door until the chains had secured the door. I looked at my brother with my hands on my hips and smirked. He beamed at me while Astrid glared and the crowd cheered.

To be quite honest, Im actually starting to like this feeling.

Edited: 2019.07.27

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