Chapter 6: Forbidden Friendship pt2

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As the night fury glided to the other side, Hiccup ran after it and I followed shortly. We didn't want to startle him so we watched from a distance. Hiccup went further and sat cross legged as the night fury watched a bird.

Noticing my brother and me, the night fury gave an annoyed expression as my brother waved. The dragon shifted to bring its tail and opened its tail fin to block its face.

'I'm guessing it doesn't want to be bothered.'

'Really, What gave that away?'

I rolled my eyes at the voice not really paying attention. I was just about to tell Hiccup to leave the dragon alone but he reached out to touch it. I gasped.

'The night fury is going to bite his hand off! That idiot!'

I was about to yell just as the night fury's tail lifted up to see green eyes peeking out. My idiot brother got up quickly walking away towards me awkwardly. I giggled.

The dragon groaned and walked away towards a tree and hung upsided down by its legs and tail. It watched us for a bit as if making sure we wont go towards him. We didnt. The dragon then wrapped its wing around himself and put his head inside of them. He looked like a bat.

I watched amazed as the dragon continued to do that. He didn't moved for a while which made me assume he was asleep. I took out my notebook and made a note of everything today so far with the dragon.

I sat on the ground. I even made a few sketches. My brother watched me. I turned a fresh new page and turned to draw the dragon on the branch.

"So dear brother, how has your day been?" I asked making a rough outline of the dragon.

"Great. I haven't been eaten today by a very dangerous dragon today" He said watching me draw.

"Wonderful and accomplished, I mean Odin is finally on our side for once in our lives. I'm barely surviving dragon training, we captured the night fury, let it go, fed it and now we're watching it sleep" I said shrugging drawing the body parts.

But then my imagination started up.

"But what if he wakes up and he's hungry and eats us! Or he doesn't like us for being in his personal space or, or he's a boy who was cursed to live as a dragon for some punishment! Wait, I know! What if this is just a dream!" I said my eyes widening as I completely stop drawing as I stare at the dragon terrified.

My brother snaps me out by his laughter. He just laughs at me! Any of those could be true. I huff fustratedly as I continue drawing the details of the dragon.

Hiccup just stares at me amused. "Your imagination is very creative " I shrugg as I start to shade the drawing lightly first and then put in the dark.

"I try. Well actually I don't but whatever."

Hiccup chuckles.

"Do you still want to fight dragons, brother?"

Hiccup looks down and twirled his fingers in the dirt and it's his turn to shrug.

" I don't know" came my reply.

I shut the book now finished my drawing and focused on my twin. He is unsure of himself. Please change your answer. As much as Hiccup would love to fit in, I know he couldn't bring himself to kill another living being.

"Ok" I said.

"Sister?" I looked to my brother as he continued. "What do you think about all of this?"

That question surprised me. 'Well for one that all of this is crazy!'

It really was crazy. Just a few days ago, our world was boring and normal and now we have shot down a night fury, freed a night fury, didn't get eaten by a night fury, got into dragon training, fed a night fury and is now watching the night fury sleep. Did I tell you the dragon was a night fury.

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