Chapter 11: Saddle

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"There is no way in Valhalla that I am pairing with them!"

"Good! Like I would wanna pair with a goat-faced, short-witted idiot like you."

"Let the twins pair with them. Twin for twin"

"NO! "

"Yeah! They'll destroy our vikingliness"

"And you'll destroy our smartness"

"Well I ain't doing it"

"Thank Odin. I don't even wanna be here!"

"Their girliness will bring down my manliness"

"Your about as manly as my -"

"ENOUGH!" cried Gobber and the killing ring was immediately silenced. "I'm the teacher and who I pair up is paired! "

Snotlout, the Thorston twins and I continued our glare fest. I wish mine would slice them into a million pieces.

This morning, we were suppose to be paired into groups of two because we were dealing with the zippleback. I'm not up for this. I was bearly able to get out of bed today!

'Wait, that's everyday.'

'Brain, don't argue with me right now!'

Fishlegs and Hiccup were watching our fight and Astrid was sharpening her axe and continually glaring at all of us.

"Snotlout with Tuffnut, Astrid with Ruffnut, Fishlegs with Hiccup and Hicca with me. That's final" Gobber said. There wasn't any room for argument as he gave us buckets with water. We didn't question it.

Gobber opened the door and exploded open, green smoke coming out of it and spreading around the room. I stayed close to Gobber and everyone went back to back.

" Today is about teamwork. Something you lot don't have. A wet dragon's head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other one lights it and your job is to know which is which." Gobber said

I stayed behind Gobber as we stayed close to the wall and the others couldn't be seen in the gas. It was a while until I heard commotion sounded like the twins and Snotlout. Then we heard Tuffnut's screams as he ran out of the fog.

"Oh I'm hurt, I am very much hurt!" He screamed

"Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now" said Fishlegs.

Then one head cane out and started to snif the area around them. Then out of fear and nervousness, Fishlegs threw his water onto the zippleback's head, but guess what.

Yup. It was the wrong freaking head!

Thoughts of 'why am I here' are entering my head now as panick start to set in. "Ohh, wrong head" Fishlegs said nervously. The zippleback head sprayed him with gas and he ran out screaming. "Fishlegs!" Gobber cried infront of me as he pulled me behind him from danger. But I wasn't worried about me anymore, hiccup stood there and the other head came out sparking. Maannn, were they tall.

"Now Hiccup" said gobber as my brother threw the water, but guess our luck. It didn't even reach.

"Aww, come on" hiccup said as he slumped and the bucket rested on his head.

I didn't know which head is which for sure, but one bent to his level and started moving towards him. It suddenly lunged forward and my brother stumbled back scared. Both heads growled.

Gobber ran forward shouting my brother's name but stopped. I no longer felt scared as I understand what hiccup was doing. The dragon growled as it stepped back.

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