Chapter 32: The Battle

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Hicca's pov

I held onto the back of Fishleg's jacket as we flew towards the nest. The ride was awkward everyone getting use to the feeling of being so high and riding dragons. Hiccup rode with Astrid who didn't seem to mind as much.

Sassa, the Nadder didn't seem to mind two humans on her back. The dragons complained it was weird at first but they made due with it.

We had to keep eyes on the two sets of twins. Turns out the dragons were just as bad as the blonde troublemakers themselves.

I looked over at Hiccup as we caught each other's eyes. Using our private mind linked I talked what was really on my mind.

'Do you think we're to late? What if the queen killed them?'

'I......don't know. Let's just hope we get there in time. Besides I think dad would get the villagers off the island once he realizes. He wouldn't put them in that much danger' hiccup answered.

I nodded.

Entering the fog everyone held onto the ropes tighter as the dragons took turns. We could do nothing as we couldn't see and had to trust the dragons. Soon the fog dissipated and an island came into view but i gasped.

There was this huge grey dragon stomping everywhere. When I say huge I mean freaking huge. Gigantic even. Fire was everywhere and Vikings were running in the direction of the other side of the island. That's when I saw dad and Gobber who seemed to be distracting the huge dragon. My eyes widened when I saw the queen rear her head back.

"Astrid!" Hiccup shouted and the three of them lurched forward in front of all of us and Sassa blasted the back of the queen's head making her stop.

We circled the large dragon's head. "Ruff, tuff watch your backs" I called watching them. "Come on fishlegs"

"Look at us we're on dragons!" Tuffnut yelled excitedly to everyone. I looked down to see everyone watching us in amazement even dad.

"Fishlegs break it down!" Hiccup yelled. I looked over at the boats and saw fire making dread filled me and knowing dad.....we need to find toothless.

"Ok" fishlegs said. He then looked at the large dragon and started spitting facts as we flew over. " The Red Death. Large, heavily armoured skull used for bashing and crushing; stay clear of both. Small eyes, large nostrils. Relies on hearing and small."

During his talk I tried to contact my best friend. I closed my eyes to focus during the mayhem.

'Toothless.......bud, can you hear me?'

'Hicca?' The masculine voice filled my head. I opened my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Tears of happiness filled my eyes at the sound of my love.

Fishlegs had finished and we nodded even though I had no idea what he was saying. Hiccup opened his mouth to give instructions but I stopped him quickly.

"Heres the part where you leave if you don't wanna die" I said. Nobody did anything. I shrugged. "If you die don't blame us" I then turned to Hiccup. "Toothless is alive but i don't know where he is" I said. Hiccup face turned to one of determination.

"Alright, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Hicca, hang in its blind spot. Make some noise, keep it confused." My eyes widened and I did a retake. I made noise to argue but he kept talking.

"Ruffnut, Tuffnut find out if it's got a  blind spot. Make it mad" said hiccup while he made an angry face.

"That's my specialty!" Ruffnut exclaimed.

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