Chapter 20: Trouble

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Week 3- Test 298: Harness

Great, just great. Another effortless prank done by the twins and guess who was there victim. Me-well not really, but it affects me!

See they pranked Snotlout by dismantling his favourite sword and one of his father's axe, hammer and two of his maces.

And guess who got the blame!

That's right, me!

I was just about to go and find my brother and toothless after I was in the forge the whole day and Spitelout stopped me. Right now I am currently getting an ear full.

"Unbelievable, this little tyrant she is! Nothing but trouble" Spitelout exclaims

"Now Spitelout, unwrap ya skivies. Why would Hicca go into your house and dismantle ya weapons?"

'Exactly! I wouldn't even walk in that damn direction!'

"The little wench is out for us, she knows she will never be much" he says as Snotlout nods behinds him. I glared at both of them wanting my hateful stare to send them straight to the pits of helheim.

Gobber turns to me and asks. "Hicca where we're you today?"

"In the forge!" I nothing but shout.

"See, see!" Spitelout exclaims "she's the only person where the tools were the entire day. The only person with the skills, unless it was her brother"

'It wasn't any of us!' I sighed. But I knew that point wouldn't be taken up on. The twins are destructive but because of our unluckiness we get the blame. They don't know the twins could be way worse. If i didnt stop it would go to my father and I didn't want to hear it.

"He's got a point Hicca. Ok Spitelout what do you propose I do?" Gobber said

"She should fix every damn thing she destroyed, four more swords and a mace for my boyo!" Spitelout said.

I hung my head. Guess I'm not visiting toothless today. Gobber nodded and Spitelout looked pleased with himself. Snotlout smirked as they both walked away. Gobber turned to me.

"It wasn't me" I said calmly although I wasn't. My blood was boiling and I wanted to kill Snotlout and the twins. This is so unfair!

"We both know this and we both know that if I didn't agree, yer father would've given ya a worse punishment. You n' yer brother are......a lil crazy-" look whose talking "-but I don't think you, either of you would've done it." He said softly putting his hand on my shoulder.

I calmed down. "Fine" I said and begun to work on the easiest. The five swords. Gobber said he would help me with the hammer and would do the mace since it would be to much for me. Please, I've had a worse punishment.

It was night now and I was completing the fourth sword since I was slacking off. I saw Hiccup from outside and then........Toothless!

I gasped. 'What the hell is this idiot thinking?!'

I dropped the small hammer from pounding and put my arms on my hips. Hiccup was pulling toothless this direction but backing me. When toothless came in he was sniffing around and put his head in the bucket. When he found nothing he threw it off his head. Hiccup shushed him.

I would've laughed if I wasn't so ticked off. Hiccup turned around and he yelped and his green eyes widened. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Hicca, what e're you doing here?"

'Really brother? I work here, we work here'

"Funny, I was just about to ask you that. Why are you both here?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him waiting for an answer.

Toothless didn't seem to care because he bounded at me in happiness. "Hicca!" He exclaimed. He licked me and I laughed. But I didn't notice that when Toothless bounded he pulled hiccup to the ground in which my brother yelped.

Hiccup groaned and lifted the harness and I raised an eyebrow. "We're stuck. The harness wouldn't budge and I needed tools."

I nodded and headed into the back room to find the tools we kept and pulled it from under a work table we had. I carried it outside and handed it to my brother. Toothless was standing still at the entrance of our room. His eyes were widened in disbelief.

"Toothless?" I asked. He looked at me. "Are you ok?"

He grinned."I'm fine, I'm great, its just........nothing. You two are amazing" he said smiling. My eyes widened at the compliment. 'Where did that come from?'

Then I stepped back and his tail was there and I tripped. I landed hard on the floor and groaned. Toothless gasped and pulled me up.

"Hicca, I'm so sorry!"


My brother and I gasped at the new female voice, knowing exactly who it belonged to. Toothless looked at the entrance eyes in slits.

"Oh no" we both gasped loudly. Hiccup threw the wrench at me and quickly told me to deal with it before he ran outside and quickly shut the doors.

I immediately went to the saddle and began trying to unstuck the harness but with all the pressure I wasn't exactly doing well.

"Who is that?" Toothless asked

"Someone we don't want figuring us out" I answered. I could hear hiccup and Astrid talking. 'This isn't working!'

'Try harder, we are not leaving until she does' came my brother's voice. I groaned exasperatedly.

'Hiccup let's go" toothless said while he pulled on the harness making hiccup stagger back. I heard him begin to laugh nervously.

'Hicca, get on and make space. Dont forget your tools either' Toothless said. I immediately climbed on the saddle my foot in the stirrup and clutching the tool box. Toothless pulled one more time and Hiccup fell through the doors and ran to climb on. I gave him the tool box and began to fly away.

I bearly look back to see Astrid went into the forge but didn't see us. I sighed as I pressed down on the stirrup and the familiar clicking of the tail reached my ears as we descended into the cove.

I got off and rubbed toothless' head. Hiccup got off and began working on the harness. "Let's not try that again, ok?"

"Agreed" was my reply as toothless nodded. Hiccup got the harness undone and put back every tool into the tool box.

"Why didn't you come today Hicca?" Toothless asked curiously.

I shrugged. "I got into trouble"

"What?!" Hiccup exclaimed. I yawned. "It's a long story and I'm tired"

Toothless laid down and I laid down on him. It was too late to walk back anyway. Im not risking it either. Hiccup sat next to me and i rested my head on his shoulder. I started to hum our lullaby and just like that Hiccup was off.

My eyes began to feel heavy but toothless spoke up. "What song was that?"

"A lullaby. I think my mother use to sing it" I said and yawned again. Toothless draped his wing around us and curled his body and tail around us. His warmth radiated onto us.

"Goodnight Toothless" I said

"Goodnight Hicca"


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