Chapter 27: The Dreaded Day

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The dread in my stomach is unbearable. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat. I can't even think straight. I'm doomed, oh my gosh today is my death!

I can't. I'm not prepared. 'Oh Odin, why must you play with our lives like this. Couldnt you have just killed me in my sleep?!'

I was sitting at the table staring at a fish sandwich that I couldn't bring myself to eat. It's killing me. Dad had gotten us up earlier than normal to prepare us for today. He was so happy and chipper which just brought down my mood more.

"Hicca, are you even listening to me?"

I turned to face my brother. "Of course not" I said.

Hiccup sighed. "We have to show them dragons aren't bad. I wish I could take your place. I really do. I asked dad but....."

My eyes widened. I could never let Hiccup take my place. That would be selfish. Better me than him. "You didn't have to do that" I said.

"Yes I did. I'm your big brother. I'm suppose to protect you and today you have to face your biggest  fear. Alone" hiccup said.

His shoulders slumped and he hid his eyes behind his bangs. He really felt bad about this and that surprised me.

"Dont feel bad hiccup. Besides knowing how I am, you can't always protect my recklessness. Plus you've always been there for me and I thank and love you for that." he looked up. "And you know we're the gods' favourites. This was bound to happen" I said sarcastically

We laughed. Then something came to mind. 'Should I tell him' I gulped.

"Hey Hiccup, there's something I have to tell you" I said. He looked at me questioningly.

'It's about toothless" I said and he looked even more interested now. 'How do I tell him that?'

"What's wrong Hicca?"

'I mean should we? It's not like toothless will ever like you back and we are probably dying today so what is the point?' My brain argued and I sighed. She was right anyway.

"How do I put this?" I said finding my words. But how do you tell your brother that you have a crush on our best friend who also happens to be a dragon? Oh geez, my palms are sweating.

"What's wrong with toothless?"

"Nothing is wrong with toothless." I mumbled. "Something is wrong with me"


"I think I......Ihaveacrushontoothless" I said quickly looking anywhere but him.

"WHAT?!" Hiccup shouted standing up abruptly and jumping me.

"I said-"

"I know what you said" hiccup said pulling a hand through his hair. I looked down. Hiccup looked disappointed and shocked.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"You should be. Geez, you know how long I've been waiting for you to realize this." I looked up shocked.

"What? You knew?" I asked shocked now.

"Of course I did! How could I not know? Your my sister. Have you told toothless?"

I gave him a look.

"Right stupid question. Sorry." He slumped next to me.

"It's not like we could ever be together. One, he would never feel the same about me. Two, he's a dragon and I'm human" I sighed. Hiccup opened his mouth to say something but hesitated.

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