Chapter 14: My first flight

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Project Nerezzi
Week 2-Test 147: Hicca flies

It was my turn to ride toothless and I was nervous. As of right now, I am staring at the saddle on toothless' back.

"Come on sis. It isn't that bad, the wind feels amazing. Besides, Toothless won't let you fall." Hiccup tried to convince me.

I just stared. You know that feeling when you wanna do something no matter what and throw all caution out through the window? I don't have it. Not right now.

"What if I make us crash?" I asked. I don't want to hurt toothless or worse, get us killed.

"You won't. You know all the steps so far" Hiccup said.

"Don't you trust me?" Toothless asked watching me. My breath got caught in my throat when his eyes met mine.

'Of course I trust you, I don't think I trust the gods though.'

"Of course I do" I answered quickly. I sighed and walked towards toothless. He crouched lower so I could get on.

I crawled on and sat on the saddle for the first time. It was comfortable. I held onto the handle we built on to the saddle and Hiccup tied the chord onto my foot. I moved around getting a feel.

I took a big breath trying to calm my nerves. "You ready?" I said my voice coming out as if I was in pain.

'Wow. Way to sound pathetic'

Toothless nodded. "I won't let you get hurt." He said.

That made me feel better and I gulped. I nodded. I braced myself as toothless raised his black wings and launched his body into the air and I moved my foot to the left which made us rise, the wind carried us as toothless glided.

I gasped. The wind blew my hair everywhere and we were a couple feet off the ground. I looked around. You could see the head of the trees. I felt light and there was a lump in my throat. The wind came from the east. It was a weird feeling and I loved the feeling of the wind. Hiccup was right but I couldn't relish in it for too long because I felt like I was rising and an alarming roar from toothless.

"HICCA!" Toothless yelled.

I held onto the handle as everything rushed as we plummeted back down to the cove. We were falling all because I wasn't focusing. I'm starting to panick as my heartbeat picked up. I moved my foot to the right sharply and I looked around to see the tail move and toothless wings flapped leveling us.

Then I could feel the wind changed and toothless started to waver and I moved my leg to the middle and the wind slowed down to a soft breeze and toothless landed.

We both panted as Hiccup ran towards us. "Are you guys ok?" He asked

I nodded as I felt out of breath. My heart would have literally kept out of my chest. Toothless came over and nuzzled my arm with an apologetic face. "Sorry Hicca" he whined

I laughed " What are you apologizing for. It was me who almost killed us" I laughed.

"But I promised I wouldn't let you get hurt"

"And I'm not, besides I wanna go again" I said. I wanted to feel the wind around me again. I wanted to have that lump in my throat. I wanted to feel the thrill of being in the air. Hiccup looked at me shocked.

"You sure?" He said rubbing his neck. I got on to toothless and tightened the rope around my foot and nodded. I laughed at the look on his face. Hiccup wanted to fly too. Well too bad, he had his turns. Lots of them. It's mine now.

Toothless crouched and prepared to fly off, but as he did that he smirked and looked at hiccup. "Dont be jealous hiccup, there's enough toothless to go around".

And we flew off, with Hiccup yelling at toothless and me laughing. The wind rushed all around us and the trees under us. I loved it.

Until we crashed


I scowled as I walked through the forest back home.


My oh so lovely brother laughing at me. Earlier me and toothless were flying and I miscalculated the turn and the wind and we landed in the lake. Great, right?

I glared at my brother. "Quit laughing at me." Hiccup looked at me, and a second later laughed even louder. Poor toothless felt so guilty. I had to keep telling him it wasn't his fault. He's so sweet.

We made it out of the forest and I turned to go to the forge. "Where are you going?" Hiccup asked.

"Where do you think?" I responded annoyed.

'Good thing I have spare clothes at the forge'

I entered and immediately changed. My brother came in after knowing that I would want to change. "You know, flying would be so much more fun if I wasn't afraid to fall off." I said.

I went outside to the main room and saw that somebody left an axe that needed a new handle. I got straight to work. We've been slightly slacking off at the forge and we didn't want Gobber to get any ideas. Besides if it was still there tomorrow, we would get an earful from him anyway.

I got the wood and started to carve it into a handle when I heard a ping sound and the mood in the air shifted. I turned and looked at my brother knowingly. He had his idea face on. He ran into his back room.

"Atleast tell me first!" I shouted as he slipped through the door. No answer.

I sighed as I went back to the handle. We've been getting better at this mind reading thing. Took us a while but we kinda got it. It didn't make a difference anyway. We both knew what the other was thinking about or an idea of what was going through our heads.

The connection just gave us an assurance. Without it we'd still be the same. Toothless said it could be dangerous too. Another dragon could want to make a connection with our minds and it was important we learned how. He seemed absolutely serious.

He said we were different. Most Vikings are to hard headed and ignorant to actually get through. Which is true.

I attached the axe blade onto the handle and tightened it. Once finished, I smiled at my lovely work. I just did a few swings here and there. I've been trying to work out to. But I think my dagger would be fine for now.

The axe had a good grip and the blade was sharpened so I put it up on the shelf. The person would collect it tomorrow. When I walked in, hiccup had a piece of rope like leather attached to his belt and slid connected to a piece of wood and pulled. He grinned and looked at me and said.

"Now we won't fall off."

11 feb 2018
Edited: 2019.07.26

You Just Gestured To All Of UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora